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Mike Norman Economics

Neoliberalism Tells Us We’re Selfish Souls – How Can We Promote Other Identities? — Christine Berry

At the simplest level, "it's the incentives, stupid." And incentives reflect underlying values and value structure that shape interests and the their pursuit. Foundationally, it about the level of collective consciousness. Want to change social behavior for the "better"? Raise the level of collective consciousness. But what are the criteria of "better"? How can they be determined – instrumentally by outcomes, deontologically on the basis of universally applicable rules), virtue based...

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Not So Modern Monetary Theory —Lance Taylor

The bottom line is that MMT’s aims are exemplary but an aggressive fiscal stance carries some risk. The doctrine’s theoretical synthesis adds little to the vintage ideas of Godley, Lerner, and Keynes. MMT revamps them with an expansionary thrust but is no striking intellectual synthesis. A better acronym would be VFT, or Vintage Fiscal Theory. Another "we knew it all along and it's no big deal" critique that cites no MMT economists. Lance Taylor does cite his own work, however, and that of...

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Grace Blakely – A slowing economy shows the US must break free from the curse of financialisation

An excellent article about what went wrong with American capitalism. She says how by investing less American companies were able to keep their prices up because it lessoned supply.As China zooms ahead, the US answer is more gunboats.  Private investment fell sharply in the US over the course of the 1980s — from 20 per cent of GDP in 1984 to 15 per cent in 1991. And as corporations have cut costs in an attempt to boost profits, wages have fallen too. The average worker in the US is no better...

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Asa Winstanley – Bad news for Jeremy Corbyn

The MSM has got together to smear Jeremy Corbyn to drive him and his movement out of the Labour Party. The whole 'antisemitism in the Labour Party' claim was nothing but lies.In a free country you have a free-press, but the press is owned by oligarchs who spread propaganda to circumvent any democracy. A free country is democratic one, but when the whole of the MSM spreads lies, how can you have a real democracy? The British People did seeem to want what Jeremy Corbyn was offering, but...

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RT — Weapons of mass construction? US sanctions Iran’s ‘terrorist-controlled’ building sector & ominous ‘strategic materials’ supply

The US has slapped new sanctions on Iran’s construction industry, targeting a number of “strategic” materials – like steel tubes and foil – and making sure the MSM amplify their vague hints of nuclear weapons and terrorism links.... Is this further eroding US soft power by coming across internationally as bullying?RTWeapons of mass construction? US sanctions Iran’s ‘terrorist-controlled’ building sector & ominous ‘strategic materials’ supply

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Caitlin Johnstone — Things Are Only Going To Get Weirder

I often hear people in my line of work saying “Man, we’re going to look back on all this crazy shit and think about how absolutely weird it was!  No we won’t. Because it’s only going to get weirder. It’s only going to get weirder, because that’s what it looks like when old patterns start to fall away. The human mind is conditioned to look for patterns in order to establish a baseline of normal expectations upon which to plan out future actions. This perceptual framework exists to give us...

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