FastCompany [Will become?]Antitrust warrior Matt Stoller warns that if we don’t take on Big Tech, ‘we’ll become a fascist society’ Marcus Baram JacobinA Socialist Plan to Fix the Internet Ben Tarnoff WhoWhatWhyGoogle to Employees: Want a Union? Search Elsewhere Ted Rall Gold Goats 'n Guns [Turning point?]Macron Tells NATO Russia Must Come in from the Cold War Tom Luongo Intel Today ["Poppy" was the only CIA Director to become POTUS, Putin was just a KGB agent] Remembering CIA...
Read More »China and Russia not Nato’s enemies, Emmanuel Macron says, as he defends ‘brain death’ remarks
Wow, I never thought I would start to like Macron. I hope the CIA and MI6 haven't got other plans - maybe the French protestors will get a new president after all. French president says alliance created to provide collective security against Soviet Union should shift focus to terrorism Macron earlier alarmed European allies by declaring he wants improved relations with Vladimir Putin French President Emmanuel Macron urged Nato leaders to review the alliance’s strategy when they meet...
Read More »China’s Industrial Policies Work — Gabriel Wildau
Until recently, mainstream economists and policymakers largely dismissed state-led industrial policy – a form of government intervention in the free market – as wasteful and ineffective. Government bureaucrats, the argument went, lack the ability to effectively pick winners among companies or industry sectors. The task is better left to venture capitalists and stock market investors. Moreover, a politicized process of distributing public money is inherently susceptible to rent-seeking and...
Read More »Charles Bremmer – Russia is no longer our enemy, Macron tells NATO before Summit
President Macron set the stage for new discord in Nato by declaring that Russia was no longer the enemy of the alliance and calling for closer ties with Moscow. Less than a week before the difficult Nato summit in Britain, the French president stuck to his widely criticised claim that the alliance was “brain dead” and in need of a strategy to replace US leadership of the continent’s defence. Nato is an organisation of collective defence. Against what, against who is it defending itself?...
Read More »Links — 29 Nov 2019— Part 2
OilpriceThe Battle For Libya’s Oil Is Heating Up Julianne Geiger Moon of AlabamaOPCW Manufactured A Pretext For War By Suppressing Its Own Scientists' ResearchThe Greanville PostAfter Failing to Prosecute Bankers, Obama Cashes In With Wall Street Speeches Patrice de Bergeracpas ReutersChina's factory activity unexpectedly returns to growth in November Yawen Chen, Se Young Lee Sputnik InternationalMercedes-Benz Owner Daimler Says It Will Cut 10,000 Jobs Worldwide Sputnik...
Read More »Poverty isn’t a lack of character; it’s a lack of cash | Rutger Bregman
Could the Basic Income pay for itself? People do more work when they have enough money, children stay on at school longer getting better grades, average IQ increases by 14%. There is less crime, better nutrition, less illness, and less alcohol and drug abuse.Many of our greatest thinkers and artists lived in poverty, just think how much more they could have accomplished if they had enough money to live on?The right tend to believe that poor people don't try hard enough, but when people...
Read More »Links — 29 Nov 2019 — Part 1
Caitlin Johnstone — Rogue JournalistUnderstand The OPCW Scandal In Seven MinutesCaitlin Johnstone Anti EmpireThis Is How Russia Keeps Venezuela Exporting Oil Despite US SanctionsMarko Marjanović Anti EmpireChina Completes an Experimental “Nuclear Fusion” Reactor 13-Times Hotter Than the Sun Masha Borak CounterpunchBolivia: Anatomy of a CoupJeff Mackler and Lazaro Monteverde SouthFrontBolivia’s Coup Government On the Hunt for Dissidents CounterpunchThe Torture Called SolitaryEve...
Read More »Power of Siberia Opens Chinese Gas Market— Alexei Grivach
In a December 2nd conference call, the leaders of Russia and China will officially launch a new era in relations between the two countries. The largest gas exporter and the fastest growing large market in the world will be connected by a pipeline system that will link the gas fields of Eastern Siberia with Shanghai; the pipeline network will extend more than 6,000 km.... Valdai AnalyticsPower of Siberia Opens Chinese Gas Market Alexei Grivach
Read More »Two Peas in a Pod
Rob Evans – Thinktanks: Wealthy US donors gave millions to rightwing UK groups
Revelations raise questions about influence of foreign funding on British politics How the right’s radical thinktanks reshaped the Conservative party The money has been given to researching alternatives to the NHS for an ageing population and to fund work on inspiring young people to become supporters of free markets, according to the foundation. Eleven wealthy American donors who have given a total of more than $3.7m (£2.86m) to rightwing UK groups in the past five years have...
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