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Mike Norman Economics

Grace Blakely – As another Eurozone recession looms, the failure of austerity is clearer than ever

The combination of loose monetary policy and tight fiscal policy is making the rich richer and the poor poorer. The sceptics were right. There is now strong evidence that QE works by boosting asset prices. Central bank purchases have a direct impact on bond yields and also encourage investors to rebalance their portfolios towards other assets, such as equities or corporate bonds. The resulting surge in demand for these assets has increased equity prices, depressed corporate bond yields...

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Zero Hedge – “I Stand Against Everything She Represents” – Gabbard Hammers Tired, Sick, Fragile Hillary

Tulsi Gabbard has stones. She has the kind of stones born of a life dedicated to the cause of serving others. She is the direct opposite of Hillary Clinton, for whom all causes serve herself and her enormous narcissism and pathology. So seeing Gabbard go directly after Hillary Clinton after her debate performance the other evening where she explicitly called out both the New York Times and CNN (the hosts of the debate) for the hit jobs on her puts to rest any idea she’s someone else’s...

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Links — 19 Oct 2019

The Mother Of Messes In Syria Eric Margolis Fast CompanyI study blockchain. It shouldn’t be used to secure our elections Nir Kshetri Gold, Goats 'N GunsTulsi Gabbard Throws the Gauntlet at HillaryA New Middle East Thanks to Putin Tom Luongo Moon of AlabamaThe Democratic Party Should Suspend Hillary Clinton Caitlin Johnstone — Rogue Journalist“Russian Asset” Is A Meaningless Noise War Pigs Make With Their Face HolesThis MSNBC Clip Is Everything Ugly About Russia SmearsCaitlin...

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Andy Verity – Libor rigging inquiry shut down by Serious Fraud Office

All decided behind closed doors, it seems. An investigation into the rigging of Libor, the benchmark interest rate that tracks the cost of borrowing cash, has been unexpectedly closed. The decision comes despite evidence that implicates the Bank of England. It means no one will now be prosecuted in the UK for so-called "low-balling", where banks understate interest rates they pay to borrow cash. The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) said its decision followed a detailed review of the evidence....

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Prem Sikka: How companies use debt to line their pockets

Corporate debt and greed are going to sink the British economy, writes Prof Prem Sikka. Tax relief for the corporations but none for us because it distorts the market, says the government. Corporate addition to high debt threatens to destabilise the world economy. Not my words – those of the International Monetary Fund. A recent report by the IMF says that “in a material economic slowdown scenario, half as severe as the global financial crisis, corporate debt-at-risk could rise to...

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Actually Existing Socialism In A Capitalist Setting? — Robert Vienneau

Elements of a post capitalist society are and have been developing in actually existing capitalism. This post points out a couple of examples.... This is what a transition from one dominant mode of production to another would look like in an evolutionary setting rather than a revolutionary one. In the gradual approach, different alternatives can be tested and developed based on learning instead of imposed. Thoughts On Economics Actually Existing Socialism In A Capitalist Setting? Robert...

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Tulsi Gabbard Tweet – Challenge to Hilary Clinton

I wonder how the Guardian will report this? I guess the MSM will just ignore it.  Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain. From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a ... ... concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you,...

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ZH — Twitter War Breaks Out Between “Russian Asset” Tulsi Gabbard And “Warmongering Queen” Hillary Clinton

Is American politics basically a food fight?Not just Tulsi either. And just to make sure she finds yet another scapegoat for her loss, Clinton also accused 2016 Green Party nominee, Jill Stein, who ran against her and Donald Trump in 2016, of also being an asset of Russia: "That’s assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not because she’s also a Russian asset."... Zero HedgeTwitter War Breaks Out Between "Russian Asset" Tulsi Gabbard And "Warmongering Queen" Hillary Clinton...

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The Saker interviews Michael Hudson

Introduction: I recently spoke to a relative of mine who, due to her constant and voluntary exposure to the legacy AngloZionist media, sincerely believed that the three Baltic states and Poland had undergone some kind of wonderful and quasi-miraculous economic and cultural renaissance thanks to their resolute break with the putatively horrible Soviet past and their total submission to the Empire since. Listening to her, I figured that this kind of delusion was probably common amongst those...

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