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Mike Norman Economics

Debt Ceiling

Looks like Mnuchin knows the typical 1 Sept first of the month BIG drop in the TGA might not be possible... they have been exhausting the 'Extraordinary Measures' in an attempt to stabilize the TGA at higher levels... with limited success... once those 'measures' are exhausted it appears they think the TGA is going to quickly collapse .... creating a fast bearish increase in Reserve Assets again... which will top when they finally suspend the Debt Ceiling... .@stevenmnuchin1 on debt...

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Modern money theory and its challenges Sayuri Shirai

Modern monetary theory (MMT) has recently gained prominence in light of doubts about the effectiveness of monetary policy in addressing economic shortfalls. This column assesses the implications of implementing the theory’s policy prescriptions, and the challenges it presents in the case of Japan – an economy that some have argued has already been subject to such policy. Japan’s labour shortages and low inflation mean modern monetary theory’s fiscal stimulus suggestions may be harder to...

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Philly Fed

Pretty big snap back for Philly Fed in June on the $139b TGA bottom (Reserve Asset top) beginning of the month... remember Mike called June 6th...Policymakers currently trying to stabilize TGA around the $200b level using Extraordinary Measures in advance of a deal to suspend the Debt Ceiling again... having so-so success...Philly Fed Survey Soars To 12-Month Highs, Jumps Most In A Decade #Money #Finance #Economics #Market— Alen Karabegovic (@AlenKarabegovic) July...

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The Great Paradox: Liberalism Destroys the Market Economy —Heiner Flassbeck

Another paradox of liberalism arising from equation of economic liberalism with capitalism and of economic liberalism as equatable with political liberalism as representative democracy. The rise of interest in social democracy now no accident of history but rather a logical progression of the historical dialectic?Flassbeck EconomicsThe Great Paradox: Liberalism Destroys the Market Economy Heiner Flassbeck

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Will Kim Jong Un As Head Of State Move More Towards Markets? — J. Barkley Rosser

Backgrounder.  My view is that NK likely will move toward the Chinese system of market socialism with Chinese characteristics, but in NK it will be with NK characteristics. Kim Jong Un had already liberalized quite a bit, so this would not constitute an about-face but rather a speed-up of development. Kim Jong Un seems finally to want to join the world economy, which is why he is negotiating with Trump at all, in the face of resistance from the US deep state and military trying to...

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“Pump It!”

ChiComms: #PBOC injects 100 bn yuan via open market operation (7-day reverse repo) on Thursday — YUAN TALKS (@YuanTalks) July 18, 2019 Japan: BOJ's Kuroda says will continue with powerful monetary easing persistently — ForexLive (@ForexLive) July 18, 2019 Black Eyed Peas:[embedded content]

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Elizabeth Vos – Consortium News Target of a Malware Attack as Twitter Takes Down Assange Support Group’s Account

The alternativel news media is under attack again. And a pro Assange group was taken down from twitter. The simultaneous escalation of censorship of Julian Assange’s support base, alongside the latest wave of fact-free attacks on Assange and WikiLeaks‘, raises concern about a coordinated effort to smear Assange while silencing those who counter such dubious reporting. “Our website is completely down. Our media host said we have been attacked by malware. They actually tried to blame ‘the...

Read More » Stephenie Kelton – MMT – Letters from America

Another superb interview by could not want to give MMT a try after hearing this? [embedded content] It was Victor Hugo who said that all the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come. In the US, inequality and collapsing capitalism means the idea of embracing a socialist politician is gathering momentum. The cynical stock response to how socialism can deliver on its economic promises is to ask, ‘but how do you pay for it?’ Economists advocating...

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JAYATI GHOSH – The Exploitation Time Bomb

China zooms ahead knowing you can't have a good economy and a high standard of living without industry and technology, but in the West the One Percent make more money through rent extraction, and so feel no need to invest and innovate.Sadly, lots of other peoole, including small businessmen, support the present system thinking it is true capitalism, but there would be more rich people and more entrepreneurs if we moved towards a social democracy with a robust welfare state.The West is being...

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