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Mike Norman Economics

Bill Mitchell — That progressive paradise (aka the EU) does it again!

I saw a Tweet overnight suggesting the so-called progressive British Remainers had been a little quiet in recent days following the comical display of anti-democratic, corporatism aka filling leadership positions in the EU and the Eurozone. Where are they? Why aren’t they out there in the media (social or otherwise) extolling the virtues of their much-loved European Union, where progressive policies are the norm and the peoples’ interests are held above the narrow corporate interests? The...

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Christian Tailor – Al-Qaeda Is Back and Stronger Than Ever

How is this possible?  Rather than weaken Al Quada, the War On Terror has greatly strengthened it, as Bin Laden hoped it would. Al-Qaida has recruited an estimated 40,000 fighterssince Sept. 11, 2001, when the Osama bin Laden-led extremist group attacked the United States, according to the not-for-profit Council on Foreign Relations. Despite a United States-led global “war on terror” that has cost US$5.9 trillion, killed an estimated 480,000 to 507,000 people and assassinated bin Laden,...

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George Monbiot – After urging land reform I now know the brute power of our billionaire press

After urging land reform I now know the brute power of our billionaire press This actually from Dump The Guardian. More outrigbtl lies in the media again. According to them, the Labour Red Army is coming!I went out with my girlfriend the other day and met her friends, and they were all complaining about their work: how their bosses were too hard, the long unpaid hours they put in, how their apraisals were severe to make sure they didn't get the full pay rise, how their company was getting...

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Robert Reich: Let’s Abolish Billionaires

Robert Reich disappointed me recently by peddling the Russia-gate myth. More than at any time in history, while most Americans are struggling to make ends meet. With such staggering inequality, it’s fair to ask: should we abolish billionaires? There are basically only four ways to accumulate a billion dollars – and none of them is a product of so-called free market capitalism. Billionaires themselves aren’t the problem. The real failure is in how our economy is organized. One way to make...

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Fred Weir: The tempest over Putin’s remarks on “liberalism”

While I agree with most of what Fred Weir writes here, I also think that Putin understands more about the Western liberal tradition that arose during the Enlightenment than Weir thinks. Nor was Russia a stranger to Enlightenment ideas then. Weir is also wrong in thinking that Russia has no liberal tradition. In fact, Russia adopted its own version of the Western liberalism in the period called "the Russian Enlightenment, which adapted Western thought to the situation prevailing at the time...

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Isreali News Live – Did US – Russian Submarines Have a Firefight

Israeli News Live are evangelist Christians who have had me on the edge of my seat loads of times now thinking WW3 was about to break out, but it has never happened yet.Although they are evangelical and look forward to the messiah returning, they are very anti-war and seem quite sensible. [embedded content] Sources close to the knowledge of events surrounding the Russian submarine incident have said that the story will be spun as an accident before the public. Hal Turner also has reported...

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