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Socialdem. 21st Century

Bibliography on Post Keynesian Economics (Updated)

The updated bibliography below provides a list of the most important books and articles on various topics within Post Keynesian economics.It is divided into the following sections (and there are now links to each section):(1) Introductory Studies(2) Advanced Overviews and Specialised Studies(3) History of Post Keynesian Economics(4) Methodology(5) Uncertainty(6) Endogenous Money(7) Fiscal Policy(8) Inflation(9) Price Theory(10) Trade Theory(11) Against Wicksellian Loanable Funds Theory(12)...

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Dean Baker on Trump and Trade

An interesting discussion here:Dean Baker, “Trump and Trade: He’s Largely Right,” Beat the Press, 21 February 2017.This is a good read.In essence, Baker says that “there is considerable truth to what … [Trump] has said about trade costing a large number of good paying manufacturing jobs,” and he also points out the hypocrisy of the media on this issue. This is correct.For my own posts against free trade and in support of infant industry protectionism, see here:“Kaldor’s Growth Laws and...

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Tucker Carlson versus Unhinged Far Leftist

Here:[embedded content]What can you even say at this point?The far left thinks Trump is Literally HitlerTM even though he *actually* called for (1) peace with Russia repeatedly during the campaign (while Hillary Clinton was demanding policies to incite conflict and even war with Russia in Syria),(2) an “America First” foreign policy which called for *less intervention* worldwide and harkened back to the isolationist American dislike of war,(3) rejecting the insane Neoconservative policy of...

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The Truth about Sweden

Donald Trump’s recent comments about Sweden have caused a furore amongst the usual suspects, namely, the horde of deranged, lying liberal and leftist media. Strange how much of the leftist media has nothing or little to say about the riot in the largely migrant suburb of Rinkeby in Stockholm that happened just hours after the Swedish PM claimed that things are just rosy in Sweden:[embedded content]As in many Western European nations, mass Third World immigration into Sweden has been an...

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Two Simple Questions for the Advocates of Mass Immigration

The first question:If continued mass Third World immigration into Europe results in the sweeping political victory of the populist and far right in Europe, how can such immigration possibly have been a success or a good thing for Europe?This is exactly what we are looking at in Europe in the next few years: the sweeping political victory of the populist and far right in Europe, such as Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV), UKIP, the Sweden Democrats, Marine Le Pen’s French National Front,...

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Steve Keen on Credit and Debt Crises

A recent talk by Steve Keen in Mexico City on credit, macroeconomics, and financial crises:[embedded content]Realist LeftRealist Left on Twitter @realistleftRealist Left on RedditRealist Left BlogRealist Left on YouTubeLord Keynes on FacebookSocial Democracy for the 21st Century: A Realist Alternative to the Modern LeftAlt Left on the Internet:Alternative Left on FacebookAlt-Left on Google+Alt-Left Closed Facebook GroupPrince of Queens YouTube Channel Prince of Queens...

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The Economist’s Shameful Defence of Free Trade and Laissez Faire

It’s been going on for about 170 years. Here is an example from the Economist of 28 March, 1874 – in the midst of the Bihar famine of 1873–1874 – defending the de-industrialisation of India caused by the imposition of free trade on India in British textile exports, even when that industry in Britain had been built up by decades of state protectionism:“A charge is often made against the English Government that it has injured the Indian population by destroying the native manufactures and...

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More Cultural Leftist Idiocy about Milo

Here:[embedded content]Where has Milo ever advocated genocide?!?These cultural leftists are ignorant, stupid, stark, raving mad people, who have no idea about the people they attack. Milo does not even endorse white nationalism, as can be plainly seen here:[embedded content]In his public spoken and written work, Milo has decent criticisms of Third Wave Feminism and defends free speech. How is it that a man who defends free speech is a fascist? Moreover, Milo sometimes defends cultural...

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