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A guide to econometrics

From Lars Syll 1. Thou shalt use common sense and economic theory. 2. Thou shalt ask the right question. 3. Thou shalt know the context. 4. Thou shalt inspect the data. 5. Thou shalt not worship complexity. 6. Thou shalt look long and hard at thy results. 7. Thou shalt beware the costs of data mining. 8. Thou shalt be willing to compromise. 9. Thou shalt not confuse statistical significance with substance. 10. Thou shalt confess in the presence of sensitivity.

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from Lars Syll

A guide to econometrics1. Thou shalt use common sense and economic theory.
2. Thou shalt ask the right question.
3. Thou shalt know the context.
4. Thou shalt inspect the data.
5. Thou shalt not worship complexity.
6. Thou shalt look long and hard at thy results.
7. Thou shalt beware the costs of data mining.
8. Thou shalt be willing to compromise.
9. Thou shalt not confuse statistical significance with substance.
10. Thou shalt confess in the presence of sensitivity.

Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

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