Wednesday , June 26 2024

Pure Evil

If what is described here is true, it is pure evil.Where are all the cultural relativists now? All those people who think all cultural beliefs or cultures are totally equal in every way?And, even worse, certain people on the left in the Western world still obsess over “safe spaces” and “culturally insensitive” Halloween costumes. These whining, narcissistic, intellectually crippled, infantile idiots make me sick, given how much real evil there is in the world.

Lord Keynes considers the following as important: , ,

This could be interesting, too:

Matias Vernengo writes The US and Russia: beware of Neocons and liberals preaching democracy promotion

Matias Vernengo writes Merkel, Scholz, the German Social Democrats and the Meaning of the Left

Stavros Mavroudeas writes ‘The Economic and Political Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic’ by S.Mavroudeas – INTERNATIONAL CRITICAL THOUGHT

Stavros Mavroudeas writes The Political Economy of Modern Epidemics by S.Mavroudeas – MARXIST STUDIES, YORK UNIVERSITY

If what is described here is true, it is pure evil.

Where are all the cultural relativists now? All those people who think all cultural beliefs or cultures are totally equal in every way?

And, even worse, certain people on the left in the Western world still obsess over “safe spaces” and “culturally insensitive” Halloween costumes. These whining, narcissistic, intellectually crippled, infantile idiots make me sick, given how much real evil there is in the world.

Lord Keynes
Realist Left social democrat, left wing, blogger, Post Keynesian in economics, but against the regressive left, against Postmodernism, against Marxism

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