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Tag Archives: Alabama

Alabama Senator Tuberville Displays his Lack of Veracity

Tuberville is a politician who campaigned to overturned Joe Biden’s electoral win over Donald Trump in 2020. He further displays his ignorance by advocating the Big Lie since the election of Joe Biden. He has some taken some controversial stances such as climate change denialism and repealing the ACA. The news media calls stances by Tuberville to be controversial. Well, it is controversial and silly too. He does not represent Alabama in a positive...

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Court Again Rejects Alabama Scraping of Black-Majority Districts

As taken from the Wall Street Journal September 26, 2023. If you have not been paying attention to what is happening in Alabama, this will bring you up to date. SCOTUS again rejected Alabama’s attempt to pack most of Alabama’s Black American citizenry into one congressional district. Alabama’s desires to maintain white majorities in six of its seven congressional districts. Supreme Court Rejects Alabama Bid to Scrap Black-Majority...

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Damn Socialists, Commies, and Libruls

In an editorial, the publisher of the Democrat-Reporter newspaper in Linden Alabama confirmed to the Montgomery Advertiser on Monday that he authored the Feb. 14 editorial calling for the return of a white supremacist hate group. In a conversation, Goodloe Sutton added to the editorial. “If we could get the Klan to go up there and clean out D.C., we’d all been better off.” Asked to elaborate what he meant by cleaning up D.C., Sutton suggested lynching....

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