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Tag Archives: Brexit

Parliament and Brexit

I spent much of this weekend arguing on Twitter. (Yes, I know, nothing new there....) Specifically, arguing that Brexit cannot go ahead without Parliament. I said that before Article 50 is triggered, the result of the referendum must be debated by the full House of Commons, and ratified by a free vote. Unsurprisingly, since I openly supported Remain, a number of people assumed that I was suggesting this as a way of overturning the result. They are wrong. I think a Parliamentary vote is...

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The EU’s Failed Neo-Liberal Policies and BREXIT

By William K. BlackJune 28, 2016     Kansas City, MO Andrew Ross Sorkin is back, so unintentional self-parody is again the order of the day.  Wall Street’s sycophant-in-chief, introduces his column with a 98 m.p.h. fastball aimed at the reader’s chin. This isn’t meant to scare you, but let’s consider the absolute worst-case scenarios of “Brexit.” Sorkin’s column then presents his specific example of his absolute worst-case scenario.  See if you can spot what is missing from that scenario....

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BREXIT: Part 3: Tony Blair

By William K. BlackJune 24, 2016     Kansas City, MO Tony Blair Tony Blair disgraced his office as Prime Minister and continues to disgrace it as lobbyist for murderous kleptocrats.  Blair’s column claims personal credit for a series of supposed triumph, blames the BREXIT vote on the Tories, and throws Jeremy Corbin, his successor as Labour Party leader, under the bus.  The title of Blair’s article refers to the democratic vote in favor of BREXIT as a “coup,” which helps explain why he...

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Who is really to blame for Brexit?

Guest post by Tom Streithorst. Brexit already looks a disaster. Sterling has plunged to the lowest level in thirty years, the FTSE fell more than 12% at the open, global equities lost $2 trillion in value in less than a day, and gold, the traditional safe haven in times of turmoil, has shot up. Uncertainly reigns. Firms are less likely than ever to hire or invest. It is going to get worse. Who shall we blame? David Cameron is the obvious villain. He did not need to call this referendum....

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BREXIT Part 2: Roger Cohen

By William K. BlackJune 24, 2016     Kansas City, MO Roger Cohen Roger Cohen published a column decrying BREXIT. Warnings about the dire consequences of a British exit from President Barack Obama, Britain’s political leaders, major corporations based in Britain and the International Monetary Fund proved useless. If anything, they goaded a mood of defiant anger against those very elites. This resentment has its roots in many things but may be summed up as a revolt against global capitalism....

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BREXIT: Populism and Democracy: Part 1

By William K. BlackJune 24, 2016     Kansas City, MO The UK vote in favor of BREXIT has stoked the fears of the New York Times to a fevered pitch.  Their greatest collective fear is the rise of “populism.”  The NYT fashions itself the last redoubt of “serious people” under siege by the rabble.  BREXIT is an opportunity to drive home to the rabble the folly of failing to fall in line with the policies of the serious people featured in the NYT.  The moral of the story is a simple one – when...

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Bill Mitchell on Brexit

Very nice analysis from Bill Mitchell here:Bill Mitchell, “Why the Leave Victory is a Great Outcome,” Billy Blog, June 27, 2016.Bill recounts his experiences after strongly supporting the Brexit vote:“On Friday morning (Australian time), as it became obvious that the Leave vote would win, I tweeted that it ‘Looks like it will be a great result for UK. Now British labour has to abandon its neoliberalism & provide people with a progressive future’.I was met with immediate hostility by...

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The snake oil sellers

The fallout from Britain’s historic decision to leave the European Union continues. Domestically, there are regrets, recriminations and accusations. Young people,particularly those aged 16-17 who did not have a vote, complain that the vote did not take their interests into account  A petition for a second referendum reached over 3m votes in a few days, although it was subsequently found to have been hacked: the true number is uncertain. The media have spent the weekend tracking down...

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Brexit: A Working Class Revolt driving Arrogant, Fantasy-World, Bourgeois Leftists Insane

This is becoming more and more clear now. [embedded content]And now there is a full scale New Labour revolt against Jeremy Corbyn going on as we speak.If Jeremy Corbyn is smart, he will now (1) come out as strongly anti-EU, (2) purge the Blairite and New Labour scum from the leadership, and (3) finally reject open borders and catastrophic non-EU mass immigration too, and make a massive bid to win back the working class. But I am not holding my breath on (3).

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