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Tag Archives: Brexit

A few brief comments on Brexit and the postmortem of the European Union

There will be a lot of postmortems for the European Union (EU) after Brexit. Many will suggest that this was a victory against the neoliberal policies of the European Union. See, for example, the first three paragraphs of Paul Mason's column here. And it is true, large contingents of working class people, that have suffered with 'free-market' economics, voted for leaving the union. The union, rightly or wrongly, has been seen as undemocratic and responsible for the economics woes of...

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Britain Is Finished

On the 23rd of June, Nigel Farage says we got our country back. This couldn’t be any further from the truth. The UK’s decision to leave the EU is the UK’s death knell. I don’t mean to speak in cliches, but goodbye Great Britain, and hello Little England. Every region in Scotland voted to stay in the EU. If the UK leaves, this is a direct violation of the will of Scottish voters. Scottish independence — and possibly Irish reunification, given that a majority of Northern Irish voted to stay...

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I have reluctantly decided that there will be no more posts on Coppola Comment until after the referendum.Since I have declared my support for Remain, anything I write about the UK and the EU is now inevitably seen as biased, and anything I write about any other subject is - equally inevitably - seen as avoiding the issue. I cannot, for example, write a balanced analysis of the likely effects on financial services of a vote in either direction, though that is my specialism. Nor can I...

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Patrick Collinson on Brexit

From the Guardian:Patrick Collinson, “I like the EU, but I’m voting out,” Guardian, 18 June 2016.It’s surprising to see something in the Guardian that is both pro-Brexit and anti-open borders, but times... well, they are a-changin’.Last year I pointed out that open borders is, traditionally, an unhinged anarcho-capitalist and laissez faire libertarian idea (here and here) and mass immigration is the last fraud of neoliberalism (see here and here). Of course, this is the elephant in the room....

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A very brief comment on Brexit

I've been posting less frequently with the end of the school year. Will be going to the History of Economic Society Meeting this weekend. Posting will be even more limited. At any rate, hope to be able to say something more substantial on Brexit before the referendum. Let me say that I'm against Brexit, which is I suspect the view that Wynne Godley would take on the issue. He was firmly for Europe, but against the euro as it was shaped, but not in all circumstances. He correctly pointed out...

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The EU’s greatest achievement

  "The EU's greatest achievement is the Euro", said Michael Portillo on the BBC's This Week programme last Thursday.No, Michael, it isn't. It is the EU's worst mistake.As Yanis Varoufakis entertainingly explains in an interesting lecture published in the Australian Journal of Political Economy, the creation of the Euro led inexorably to the buildup of unsustainable debt - both private and public - in the Eurozone periphery countries: The problem is that creating a monetary union is a...

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