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Tag Archives: British Left

Louis Allday — Social Imperialism in the 21st century

Owen Jones, Paul Mason & the problem with the UK left  Owen Jones and Paul Mason are widely considered to be the UK’s pre-eminent left-wing commentators; both appear frequently on television and radio, write regularly for mainstream publications like The Guardian and The New Statesman, have had books published (and subsequently translated into multiple languages) and attract enormous followings on social media: as of August 2018, their Twitter accounts have 742,000 and 597,000...

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The British Left, the EU and some Ruminations on British Politics

Finally, some on the mainstream British Left are starting to get that the EU is a disastrous anti-democratic enterprise inimical to the Left, as reported here: Owen Jones, “The Left must put Britain’s EU withdrawal on the Agenda,” Guardian, 15 July, 2015. It is about time too.Owen Jones hits the nail on the head when he points out in this article that the EU Fiscal Compact (or the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union) of 2012 effectively...

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