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Tag Archives: China

The Fracturing of Globalization: Implications of Economic Resentments and Geopolitical Contradictions

The last forty years have witnessed a third wave of globalization which can be termed “neoliberal globalization”. Now, there are indications that the era of neoliberal globalization might be drawing to a close, as evidenced by the trade war between the US and China. This paper argues the fracturing of neoliberal globalization reflects the growing […]

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Alastair Crooke — It’s Not Just A Trade War; And It’s Not Just China…

So, what is going on? Well, the US military complex is ‘for real’ on this. They are gearing-up for the coming military-standoff with China. The constant harking on themes that China is stealing America’s technology, its knowhow and its data – and now the barrage of allegations about China ‘hacking’ and (shades of the Russiagate) interfering in US elections, essentially (but not wholly) is about shaping a casus belli versus China. The rude fact is that the US military were shocked to find...

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“It is clear the US is pushing the battle line to our door … We can completely regard the US arrest of Meng Wanzhou as a declaration of war against China.” So read an editorial in the Global Times of China on December 6, the day after Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of the Chinese company Huawei was taken hostage by the Canadian and American governments on December 1. The daughter of the founder of China’s largest telecommunications company was arbitrarily arrested and detained by...

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Andrew Sheng and Xiao Geng — China’s Four Traps

An issue with this analysis as I see it is that it is based on a Western approach to economics and finance that is not applicable to China as a socialists country with its own development path. The first point they make is this: The first is the middle-income trap. With a per capitaannual income of around $9,000, China remains significantly below the threshold for high-income status, set at around $12,000-$13,000 by the World Bank. Only a few countries in history have managed this leap...

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Andrew Korybko — China’s “Social Credit” System: Dystopia By Design Or Successful Social Engineering?

The game-changer, however, is that China’s “social credit” system will introduce so-called “algorithmic governance” that sees complex AI programs replacing human decision makers when it comes to enforcing the country’s socio-legal standards. This necessitates that that the government eventually obtains full video and digital control over every aspect of the country and integrates these two systems into a holistic one that also doles out the privileges and penalties associated with citizen...

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Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World

Book Review Adam Tooze. Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World. Viking. New York. 2018 The global economic crisis is now more than a decade old, and is far from definitively behind us. Indeed, many fear, with good reason, that the recent, uneven and lethargic global recovery may soon come to an end, and that the next crisis of global capitalism could be even worse than that of 2008. The financial crisis and resulting crisis of the real global economy triggered by the...

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Frank Li — What is really going on in China?

I was in China October 20-28, throughout which I experienced and carefully observed China first hand. Here is a summary: China is doing very well, as usual, and the trade war between the U.S. and China has zero effect on average Chinese citizens, so far. Specifically, let me highlight four points:The opening of the HK-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge. China's Import Expo. Japanese PM Abe visited China. China in the large. econintersect.comWhat is really going on in China? Frank Li | Chinese ex-pat,...

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China Links 13 Oct 2018

Translation: The US needs to quit playing the victim when it is actually the perp.EcnsThe five fallacies in Pence's China speech Xinhua See also Reuters U.S. draws China FX into trade dispute as IMF calls for resolution Also Zero Hedge The Perfect Storm Bringing China And Russia Together Vanand Meliksetian via Also Reuters U.S. security adviser Bolton vows tougher approach to China Also Valdai Club Eurasia’s Great Projects: Assets and Liabilities...

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