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Tag Archives: China

Pepe Escobar — The New Great Game moves from Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific

In the context of the New Great Game in Eurasia, the New Silk Roads, known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), integrates all of China’s instruments of national power – political, economic, diplomatic, financial, intellectual and cultural – to shape the 21stcentury geopolitical/geoeconomic order. BRI is the organizing concept of China’s foreign policy for the foreseeable future; the heart of what was conceptualized, even before President Xi Jinping, as China’s “peaceful rise.” The Trump...

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Zero Hedge — China To Deploy Elite Troops To Syria To Fight Alongside Assad’s Army

According to multiple reports in Middle East regional sources, China plans to send elite military units to Syria to advise and assist the Syrian Army in an attempt to root out the country's terrorist insurgency, especially Chinese Islamist foreign fighters who have shown up in increasing numbers in Syria's north since the start of the conflict. If confirmed this won't be the first time China - one of the five veto-wielding powers of the UN Security Council - has sent assistance to the...

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Michael Pettis — Why market liberalisation now may hurt China more

In the end, while standard macroeconomic reforms may work in theory -- albeit under an unrealistic set of assumptions -- they’ve never worked in practice. Rather than eliminating the controls that protect China from a financial crisis, leaders should confront their debt problem head-on and begin deleveraging. For that to happen, it would help if the decision-making process were more, not less centralised. Only forceful action from the top can overcome the tremendously powerful vested...

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Andrew Sheng and Xiao Geng — The Next Battle in China’s War on Corruption

Good post. Cites David Graeber. This indicates that some Chinese are reading Western alternative viewpoints, learning from them, and integrating them with specifically Chinese conditions. But it is also about corruption in general and is not limited to China.Project SyndicateThe Next Battle in China’s War on Corruption Andrew Sheng, Distinguished Fellow of the Asia Global Institute at the University of Hong Kong, member of the UNEP Advisory Council on Sustainable Finance,  former chairman...

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Steve Bannon — If America Doesn’t Thwart These Five Things, China Will Be a Hegemonic Power

“It said that the mercantilist, Confucianist, authoritative system of China is the victor over the Judeo-Christian, liberal democratic free-market West; that their system is better, and they go over how it is better and how they’ve beaten us,” [Steve Bannon] argued.He warned that there are five things that China is going to achieve in the next few years, and if America does not thwart them, “China will in fact be a hegemonic power.” They are:The rollout of fifth generation mobile technology...

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Arms race ratchets up

Sputnik InternationalAnalysts Explain How China May Respond to US Push to Militarize Asia-Pacific Deutsche WelleNATO to beef up in face of 'assertive' Russia The Cipher BriefSecuring Orbit: Countdown to a Space Corps? Russia FeedCrimea has a shipyard ready to build a new fleet of Russian aircraft carriers USNIUPDATED: 7 U.S. Aircraft Carriers Are Now Simultaneously UnderwaySam LaGrone

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James Petras — China and the US: Rational Planning and ‘Lumpen’ Capitalism

James Petras explains how China has a vision and is actualizing it, while the US is trying to maintain position. Beijing's strategy is based on economic policy. Washington's strategy is based on military policy.The analysis contains some interesting observations on the Chinese economy and where it is headed.James Petras WebsiteChina and the US: Rational Planning and ‘Lumpen’ CapitalismJames Petras | Professor (Emeritus) of Sociology at Binghamton University in Binghamton, New York and...

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IPA’s weekly links

IPA has an opening for a Country Director for our Sierra Leone and Liberia offices (above photo comes from the former). A lot of interesting projects are happening there and our offices there have historically worked very well with the governments. I’ll let Rachel Glennerster describe it: But the best reason is the amazing staff, here’s Jishnu Das talking about the Liberia office’s recent high profile RCT of public-private partnership schools there: Finding children who have left a school...

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IPA’s weekly links

IPA has an opening for a Country Director for our Sierra Leone and Liberia offices (above photo comes from the former). A lot of interesting projects are happening there and our offices there have historically worked very well with the governments. I’ll let Rachel Glennerster describe it: But the best reason is the amazing staff, here’s Jishnu Das talking about the Liberia office’s recent high profile RCT of public-private partnership schools there: Finding children who have left a...

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IPA’s weekly links

IPA has an opening for a Country Director for our Sierra Leone and Liberia offices (above photo comes from the former). A lot of interesting projects are happening there and our offices there have historically worked very well with the governments. I’ll let Rachel Glennerster describe it: But the best reason is the amazing staff, here’s Jishnu Das talking about the Liberia office’s recent high profile RCT of public-private partnership schools there: Finding children who have left a school...

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