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Tag Archives: CIA

Gilbert Doctorow — The CIA Got Macron Elected – It Looks Like They Wrote His Big US Speech Too

In this essay, I offer a detailed textual analysis of the speech which French President Emmanuel Macron delivered before the Joint Session of Congress, Washington, D.C. on 25 April 2018, in line with the kind of textual analysis which I performed on major political documents signed by heroic East European freedom fighters in 2007 and 2009, which were in fact authored by US intelligence operatives.... Russia Insider The CIA Got Macron Elected - It Looks Like They Wrote His Big US Speech...

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Joseph Thomas — Vietnam Locks Up US-Funded Agitators

There is a growing understanding of US regime change strategies and tactics. It used to be that the CIA would work covertly to build opposition movements that would remove governments that did not cooperate with the United States and its corporate interests. This still occurs but many of those functions have been buttressed by the US Agency for International Development and the National Endowment for Democracy. Countries are catching on to this. The article below describes how Vietnam is...

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Kevin Gosztola — Who’s Who Of American War Criminals And Torture Apologists Endorse Gina Haspel For CIA Director

The narrative now is "Assad cannot be allowed to normalize use of chemical weapons."The US has already normalized the use of torture and illegal aggression.FiredoglakeWho’s Who Of American War Criminals And Torture Apologists Endorse Gina Haspel For CIA Director Kevin Gosztola | managing editor of Shadowproof Press and producer and co-host of the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure"

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Ted Galen Carpenter — The Real Problem with Gina Haspel’s CIA Nomination

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche expressed the cautionaryadmonition: “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster.” Too often, we have ignored that warning. Gina Haspel’s defenders assert that her behavior conformed to procedures that senior CIA officials (and presumably the Bush White House) had approved. The international community rejected the “just following orders” defense that defendants invoked at the Nuremberg trials. Haspel’s defense is no...

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Ann Wright — The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai

The protection of those who commit heinous crimes in the name of the U.S. government (by the government in whose name the crimes are committed) provides a dangerous precedent and could lead to the conclusion by many in the military and CIA that they can “get away with murder.”  The sad history of our country is that murders and executions (remember the extrajudicial drone assassinations ordered by Presidents Bush, Obama and Trump) are acts that continue to be the policy of our country....

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Moon of Alabama — Cambridge Analytica And The Manipulation Of People

MoA-ites correctly distrust every word emanating from the mealy mouthed Guardian because it has been used in a vicious campaign to advance the interests of Zionists to the point where the well being of Guardian readers has been relegated below the interests of apartheid Israel. Nevertheless having a bit of a shufti at the loudly trumpeted Facebook-Cambridge Analytica expose is an essential act for anyone who wants to try to get a grip on how populations are being deliberately manipulated....

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Torture Watch

More denial that international law and the Nuremberg precedent apply to US officials "just carrying out orders."International law only applies to "them" and not to US. (pun intended)It's clear that the US intelligence services need to be purged of this rot. Intel TodayFormer CIA Robert Baer : “Gina Haspel Used To Work For Me. She’s A Great Choice For CIA Director.” LSee also at Intel TodayFormer French President Nicolas Sarkozy Arrested Over Gaddafi Campaign Financing

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Peter Van Buren — Gina Haspel: As If Nuremberg Never Happened

Nothing will say more about who we've become as a nation than if a torturer is allowed to head the CIA. Sums it up. It's bad now, and her nomination makes it worse. But her confirmation and occupying office would be the icing on the cake.Kills US soft power. It's a gift to enemies of America, too.The American ConservativeGina Haspel: As If Nuremberg Never HappenedPeter Van Buren, 24-year State Department veteran

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Ray McGovern — Former CIA Chief Brennan Running Scared

In the crosshairs? Not just Brennan either. None of the leaking, unmasking, surveillance, or other activities directed against the Trump campaign can be properly understood, if one does not bear in mind that it was considered a sure thing that Secretary Clinton would become President, at which point illegal and extralegal activities undertaken to help her win would garner praise, not prison. But she lost. The "perfect crime" that wasn't. Now "the gang that couldn't shoot straight" is...

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