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Tag Archives: Classical economics

Putting an End to the Rent Economy — Vlado Plaga interviews Michael Hudson

Interview with Vlado Plaga in the German magazine FAIRCONOMY, September 2017.VP: You are advocating a revival of classical economics. What did the classical economists understand by a free economy? MH: They all defined a free economy as one that is free from land rent, free from unearned income. Many also said that a free economy had to be free from private banking. They advocated full taxation of economic rent. Today’s idea of free market economics is the diametric opposite. In an...

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Marx and the “Iron Law of Wages”

This is an interesting point about Marx’s economic theory: he rejected the orthodox Classical “iron law of wages.” Nevertheless, there are still severe problems with Marx’s theory of wages.In essence, the Classical “iron law of wages” was derived from (1) the wage fund theory in Classical economics and (2) Malthusian population theory. The “iron law of wages” was, then, in view of (2) a kind of “law of nature.”By contrast, Marx rejected Malthusian population theory (Baumol 1983: 304, 305),...

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