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Tag Archives: December jobs report

Scenes from the leading sectors of the December jobs report: sectors of weakness and strength

Scenes from the leading sectors of the December jobs report: sectors of weakness and strength  – by New Deal democrat For nearly two decades, my focus on economic reporting online has been finding and examining leading indicators; those datapoints that tell us where the economy in general, and in particular jobs and income for ordinary Americans, are heading in the near future. Usually that has meant batting away DOOOOMers; those people who...

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December jobs report

December jobs report: more signs of real tightness, while new jobs added are (seasonally?) disappointing There were three big questions I had going into this jobs report:  1. whether the big decrease in new jobless claims to a half century low would translate to another big top line number in the jobs report 2. is wage growth holding up? Is it accelerating? 3. Would last month’s “poor” 210,000 number of new jobs be revised higher?  The...

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