In the past few days it became quite clear to me that Donald Trump made a deal with the Neocons in Washington. He traded part of his domestic agenda for ceding control of foreign policy to the D.C. establishment. It’s obvious when you connect the dots. Signing the sanctions bill, the non-shift in Afghanistan policy, the tit-for-tat diplomatic aggression with Russia, weapons to Ukraine, etc. I’ve written extensively about this. Graham is suddenly touting his Obamacare replacement bill.But,...
Read More »Pam and Russ Martens — Trump & Company Channel Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand made her mark by writing and lecturing on a philosophy called Objectivism. It’s a philosophy that flips upside down everything that most Americans hold dear. Under Objectivism, greed is good, selfishness is noble, helping one’s fellow human beings is for suckers and an outright evil. The philosophy also holds that big government is bad and obscenely rich corporate titans are the real heroes of society. (See related articles below.) The Koch brothers’ network of billionaires has...
Read More »Joshua Stewart — Rep. Duncan Hunter gives President Trump a profane compliment
“He’s just like he is on TV,” Hunter, R-Alpine, told the group. “He’s an asshole, but he’s our asshole.” San Diego Union-Tribune Rep. Duncan Hunter gives President Trump a profane complimentJoshua Stewart | Contact Reporter
Read More »Jack Peat — Trump pardons Arpaio: This is his human rights record
American soft power takes another hit, coming soon after the torchlight march in Charlottesville reminiscent of the rise of the Nazis in Germany in the lead up to WWII. The London EconomicTrump pardons Arpaio: This is his human rights record Jack Peat Donald Trump’s pardon elevates Arpaio once again to the pantheon of those who see institutional racism as something that made America great. Arizona Republic Editorial
Read More »Matt Taibbi — The Media Is the Villain – for Creating a World Dumb Enough for Trump
Weekend reading. Mat Taibbi sees the media as the sole factor, or major factor at least, in the rise of Trump. In my view, there are many factors involved, not the least of which is the state of the American character. This would not be happening if there were not appetite for it.Rolling StoneThe Media Is the Villain – for Creating a World Dumb Enough for Trump Matt Taibbi
Read More »Dara Lind — The real reason Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio
Both Trump and Arpaio believe that maintaining “law and order” is more important than adhering to the technicalities of actual law. This is known as the difference between the rule of law and the rule by men. Go figure where this leads. If you came up with authority rather than liberty, you would be right. VOX The real reason Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio Dara Lind UPITrump pardons former Maricopa County Sheriff Arpaio Danielle Haynes
Read More »Andrew Prokop — Steve Bannon’s exit from the Trump White House, explained
What will — and won’t — change in a post-Bannon White House. The establishment and deep state win. Mike Flynn and Steve Bannon gone. What's next? Vox Steve Bannon’s exit from the Trump White House, explainedAndrew Prokop
Read More »Robert Strand — How CEOs Decided Trump Is a Bad Investment
One way of looking at it.FortuneHow CEOs Decided Trump Is a Bad InvestmentRobert Strand | Executive Director of the Center for Responsible Business at the University of California-Berkeley Haas School of Business and Associate Professor at the Copenhagen Business School Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility
Read More »Laura Santhanam — New poll: Majority of Americans unhappy with Trump’s response to Charlottesville
A majority of Americans are dissatisfied with President Donald Trump’s response to the violence that erupted last Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia, according to a new poll conducted by the PBS NewsHour, NPR and Marist Poll.... PBSNew poll: Majority of Americans unhappy with Trump’s response to Charlottesville Laura Santhanam
Read More »John Harwood — Donald Trump has a very clear attitude about morality: He doesn’t believe in it
President Trump, in a raucous press conference, again blamed "both sides" for deadly violence in Charlottesville He attacked business leaders who quit a White House panel over Trump's message on the weekend incident Trump combines indifference to conventional notions of morality or propriety with disbelief that others would be motivated by them It will interesting to watch the polling on how Americans relate to this. The US establishment might get a surprise. That would be a surprise for...
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