Sraffa on Ricardo’s ‘corn model’ (wonkish) After being tasked with editing David Ricardo’s Collected Works in 1930, Sraffa, with the assistance of Maurice Dobb, published them between 1951 and 1973. This work earned him the 1961 Söderström Gold Medal from The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. For the edition, Sraffa wrote an interesting and thought-provoking introduction. Its purpose was to demonstrate that the classical economists based their theory on...
Read More »Yours truly i MMT intervju
Yours truly i MMT intervju Flamman (F): Först och främst, vad är MMT? Lars Pålsson Syll (LPS): I grunden är det en reaktion på sättet som pengar och hur de skapas beskrivs i den traditionella ekonomiska litteraturen. Där beskrivs pengar som något som man sparar genom att in dem på banken, och som banken i sin tur kan låna ut genom att skapa krediter. Bankernas pengaskapande förutsätter alltså att privata individer sparar. Men den idén är fullständigt fel,...
Read More »Was tun gegen die hohe Inflation?
Was tun gegen die hohe Inflation? .[embedded content] Interessante Diskussion, nicht zuletzt Adam Tooze’s Beitrag.
Read More »Sraffian economics — another axiomatic-deductivist cul-de-sac
There is a trade-off in economics (and elsewhere) between rigor and relevance: the more we achieve deductive certainty in our arguments, the less likely it is that we will achieve socially and politically relevant conclusions. This trade-off, as we shall see, is not logically inevitable but, nevertheless, it is rarely avoided in economic theorizing. Sraffian economics, or so-called neo-Ricardian economics, is a striking example of this tradeoff. From the outset in the pages of...
Read More »Göran Perssons hjältesaga — en farlig lögn
Göran Perssons hjältesaga — en farlig lögn Göran Perssons ord från mitten av 1990-talet ekar fortfarande genom svensk politik. Varje politiskt förslag som kan höja statsskulden bemöts av varningar om hur Sverige på den tiden stod på ruinens brant. Perssons resa till New York, där han enligt egen utsago tvingades gå med mössan i hand till Wall Streets lånehajar och utlova nedskärningar, har blivit en svensk lägereldsberättelse, en hjältesaga där resan och...
Read More »The anatomy of financial crises
The anatomy of financial crises Black Friday 1929 market fundamentalist wet dreams of eternal growth took a serious hit. The stock market bubble exploded and crashed. Today we have a stock market situation starting to more and more remind us of that in 1929. Those of us who know Keynes-Fisher-Kindleberger-Minsky-Shiller and have not completely forgotten all about economic history are beginning to worry. My presentation The anatomy of financial...
Read More »Dags för socialdemokratin släppa sin sparpolitik
Dags för socialdemokratin släppa sin sparpolitik Hela den här våren har jag väntat på att Magdalena Andersson ska gå från att göra en ”Hillary Clinton” till att göra en ”Joe Biden”. Från att fastna i identitetspolitik, vara kompetent och motståndare till SD – och förlora. Till att kombinera en svidande kritik av hotet mot demokratin med en ekonomisk investeringspolitik som Joe Biden gjort – och vinna … Till och med Svenskt näringsliv, Dagens industri med...
Read More »Where does money come from?
Where does money come from? .[embedded content]
Read More »Economists using ‘importantly wrong’ models
Economists using ‘importantly wrong’ models Mainstream economists who want to defend their use of models often quote statistician George Box, saying that “all models are wrong, but some are useful.” But the important lesson taken from Box ought to be another quotation from the same paper: “since all models are wrong the scientist must be alert to what is importantly wrong. It is inappropriate to be concerned about mice when there are tigers abroad.”...
Read More »Noah Smith’s critique of heterodox economics — nothing but nonsense on stilts
Noah Smith’s critique of heterodox economics — nothing but nonsense on stilts One problem in applying skepticism and critical investigation equally is that heterodox and mainstream theories use extremely different methodologies. Generally speaking, mainstream macro uses math, while heterodox macro uses literary text with no math … Which means that if we judge each theory using its own methodology, mainstream macro will have to pass rigorous quantitative...
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