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Tag Archives: Internet

Pew Research Center — Americans and Privacy: Concerned, Confused and Feeling Lack of Control Over Their Personal Information

Majorities think their personal data is less secure now, that data collection poses more risks than benefits, and believe it is not possible to go through daily life without being tracked. Maybe the prevalent business model on the Internet is about to change? Into what though?Pew Research CenterAmericans and Privacy: Concerned, Confused and Feeling Lack of Control Over Their Personal Information

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Washington’s Blog — October 31st Is Our Last Day

Regaining control of the narrative through economic censorship. We’re grateful for the support we’ve received over the years … Loyal readers have made insightful comments for many years. Some loyal readers have donated $2/month, or $5/month or $10/month, (and a few have donated even more) which we appreciate. Passionate writers have burned the midnight oil to report on stories which no one else is covering. But we simply can’t afford to keep paying the thousands of dollars of hosting...

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NYT video series on Fake News. Worth the watch

I had heard about a video series on NPR’s Fresh Air regarding the origin and current issue with the concept of Fake News via Russia.  You can listen and read the interview of the author, Adam Ellick here.  There are 3 videos of 15 to 17 minutes each.  The series is titled: Operation Infektion,  Russian Disinformation: From Cold War to Kanye You can watch them here.   It begins with the AID’s hoax that it was a biological weapon developed and released by...

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Tim Berners-Lee — One Small Step for the Web…

Tim Berners-Lee - modern hero. The guy who really invented the Internet and is now engaged in re-inventing it so that it becomes more like the tool he envisioned but got hijacked on the way.Medium One Small Step for the Web… * Tim Berners-Lee | Founder and Director of W3C, the Web Foundation and the Open Data Institute, and now Solid and inrupt. * Reference to Neil Armstrong, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," as he took the first step by a human onto the...

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RT — Ex-Google CEO: Internet will split in two, with China controlling half

“I think the most likely scenario now is not a splintering, but rather a bifurcation into a Chinese-led internet and a non-Chinese internet led by America,” Schmidt told tech-heads at a private event in San Francisco on Wednesday, organized by investment firm Village Global VC.... RTEx-Google CEO: Internet will split in two, with China controlling half

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Addison dePitt — Presstitutes raise the temperature on social media giants to join the campaign to stamp out free speech and all political dissent

Zuckerberg’s auto-da-fé before the Congressional inquisition is designed to send a message to his tech industry colleagues, as well as provide official cover for the future enforcement of draconian rules against deviants from the official script. “Misuse of social media!” cry the new Inquisitors. But who decides what constitutes “misuse”? Isn’t that what the First Amendment is all about?…. The suppression of free speech in the US and the rest of the “capitalist democracies” (a glorious...

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Ashley Rodriguez — Google has made it official: The internet is now mobile-first

This may go down in history as the week the mobile web became the web.On Monday, Google began indexing and ranking pages on its search engine based on the mobile versions of websites rather than the desktop ones, the company announced. The change may seem minor, but it underscores how Google views and presents the web to the world—as mobile first. "The medium is the message" — Marshall McLuhan Quartz Google has made it official: The internet is now mobile-firstAshley Rodriguez

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