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Tag Archives: Journalism

Is Jon Chait an Antisemite ? He says yes.

People who quarrel with those with whom they mostly agree and focus on the “to be sure” paragraph of a column with which they mostly agree are a nuisance. I am such a nuisance. Jon Chait wrote an article noting that the GOP accepts antisemitism and the Democrats don’t. He makes his case. However, he has to deal with the case of Ilhan Omar and (among others) Jonathan Chait. I am going to quote at some length “A couple of years ago, Democratic...

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Applying for Student Loan Debt Relief

If you have not seen this application, you will now. I would urge you to quickly apply for loan relief. Apply for it at the link provided before politician asses find some way to block this. The sooner it gets approved, the quicker the relief. It is not much. Once they approve your application, I doubt they will block the relief to you. Use this Link Debt Relief | Application | Federal Student Aid to get to an Application for Debt Relief. What...

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Letters from an American – October 15, 2022

“October 15, 2022,” Letters from an American, Prof. Heather Cox Richardson. ( At Thursday’s meeting of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol, as Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) showed that former president Trump both recognized that he had lost the election and intended to leave the White House, he noted that on November 11, just four days after Democrat Joe Biden had been declared...

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Announcement of a Looming White Minority Makes Demographers Nervous,

“Announcement of a Looming White Minority Makes Demographers Nervous,” Sabrina Tavernise,  The New York Times.” NYT’s article makes this announcement of White America becoming a minority in the 2040’s like it is new news?. It is not. In 2006, I exchanged emails with Joel Garreau about the same topic in his article “300 Million and Counting.” Joel concentrated on the arrival of immigrants to the country being good news as it keeps our labor...

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Patagonia: Life Imitates Theory

“Patagonia: Life Imitates Theory,” Econospeak by Peter Dorman  When Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia, completed the transfer of that company’s ownership to an environmental trust fund, it was front-page news across the country.  It came as something less than a shock to me, however, because I had described a very similar structure in a paper I wrote a few years ago about “pluralist social ownership”. First, it’s interesting what...

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Invasion of the Body Snatchers

The title is not from Letters from an American. It is just my perception of what I envision having happened to the Republican party. Republicans are acting strangely to say the least. Could it be they slept next to some pods pre-January 6th? I had thought and according to the movie related facts, they would be short lived. Yet here we are two years later with strange thinks occurring. A lack of moral compass, etc. Read on. It is a good recital by...

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“What News was in My In-Box”

Latest mixed bag of articles for the week touching on many topics. The very first article implies there was a grant to the Wuhan, China facility. Not sure why that would occur considering all the ruckus which occurred in the past. There is also an article on the Jacksom Mississippi water issues. Jackson is a fair size town. Kind of wonder why that is even occurring. There is also an article about the Boy Scouts selling off their land to pay for...

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Biden vows to save Social Security and Medicare in face of shortfalls

Dale Coberly; USA Today Report of Biden Speech not as bad as it might have been. It still amounts to a lie by Misdirection. On September 27, USA TODAY published an article which AB suggested I review. “Biden vows to save Social Security and Medicare in face of shortfalls, but offers few details,” Maureen Groppe, USA Today It has been said that looking at the face of the devil is one of the chief torments of hell. That is the way I feel when I...

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“Oct. 8, 2022” Letters from an American

Having been raised in Chicago proper, I can speak to this city pre-Northwest Highway when you had to head north on Cicero Avenue to hop on the Edens Expressway (near Lebaugh woods) before the Northwest was even in place. You would pass the Nike Missile installation on the way to visit friends in Highland Park. That was the country to us and my friend and I would go exploring. The tallest building back then was the Prudential building at the north...

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OPEC Aligns with Russia, “Letters from an American”

This “Letter from an American” author Prof. Heather has a different spin to it. Prof. Heather is discussing OPEC and the impact it is going to have on the US as well as other counties not having the wealth we have. One thing I did not know is, Russia is the Vice-Chair of OPEC. Or Putin has his input to OPEC. Leading up to the MBS ‘s decision to cut oil production, the market was stabilizing and prices were dropping. “October 5, 2022,” Letters...

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