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Tag Archives: Journalism

Liars, Originalists, Justices, and Dobbs, Oh My!

I do not know about you. It is hard not to get or be angry due to January 6 of last year, the constant barrage of garbage coming from Republican Congressional Representatives, and Senators of the same political ilk. We have found few to be redeemable. Then there is a Conservative, nope, call them Republican majority in SCOTUS who are hell bent on turning the clock back to when the original Constitution was first put into play over two hundred...

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There is a proper response to this travesty

Tonight, I wish to pull a response from one of my favorite bloggers. It is a good read. I think you will enjoy it too after enduring all of the BS coming out of SCOTUS. Then there is the Republican caused national crisis. It is the proper response to both issues. “There is only one proper response to this travesty,” Hullabaloo, digby, on June 24, 2022 Vote out the right-wing miscreants digby; We can’t do much about the Supreme radicals...

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Simone Gold Goes to Jail

Interesting story popped up on MedPage Today. “America’s Frontline Doctors’ Simone Gold Gets Prison Time” On March 3, 2022 Ms. Simone Gold filed a brief confessing (line 10) in United States of America v Simone Gold to being inside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, and regretting going inside. In a story run on January 12, GOLD gave an interview to The Washington Post where she confessed to being inside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, and stated...

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Pence’s Letter of Explanation Written on January 5th

As taken from “Letters from an American,” June 12, 2022, Prof. Heather Cox Richardson “Yesterday, Politico’s Betsy Woodruff Swan and Kyle Cheney reported on January 5, 2021, then – vice president Pence’s attorney Greg Jacob wrote a three-page memo concluding what the president and his supporters were demanding Pence do the next day would break the 1887 Electoral College Act—that is, the law – in four different ways. The memo responded to John...

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Russia’s Path to Premodernity

Jun 14, 2022 ROBERT SKIDELSKY The Stalinist retreat from science and logic persisted following the Soviet Union’s collapse and is now the main tendency of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s rule. With his faith-based mythology, warping of history, and denial of facts, Putin’s withdrawal from contemporary Europe could not be starker. LONDON – The Russian writer Pyotr Chaadayev said of his country that “we have never advanced along with other people; we are not related to any of the...

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Oak Ridge and desegregation

I grew up in Oak Ridge TN, where the uranium was enriched for the Hiroshima bomb. There’s a recent piece on the NYT on Oak Ridge and desegregation. One of the local players at the time was Waldo Cohn, a chemist and symphony conductor, who was on the school board at the time. Here’s his account:MR. COHN: So, this Advisory Town Council met every week, every second week with him. There were seven people. I was interested in not only community affairs,...

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Consumer prices rise 1% in May alone; owners’ equivalent rent at 30 year high

Consumer prices rise 1% in May alone; owners’ equivalent rent at 30 year high; expect the Fed to keep stomping on the brakes Today is a travel day for me, so I’ll keep this relatively brief. People who were hoping inflation would abate did not get the news they wanted from the May CPI. Consumer prices rose 1.0% in that month alone. Inflation less energy rose 0.7%, and “core” inflation less food and energy rose 0.6%. On a YoY basis, prices are...

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The Guardian view on a four-day week: policies needed to make it a reality

After the first world war, workers wanted a peace dividend for their sacrifices. Within three years they got it. Almost every industrialised nation – with the exception of Japan – accepted the newly established International Labour Organization’s call to limit working hours to eight a day and 48 a week. While most developed countries enacted legislation to achieve these aims, Britain, along with the United States and Italy, did so through collective agreements. Today, the triple crises...

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Why In The US IS D-Day Memorialized While The Battle Of Midway Is Not?

Why In The US IS D-Day Memorialized While The Battle Of Midway Is Not?  Today is 6/6/22, 78 years after 6/6/44, D-Day, when American, British, and Canadian troops stormed beaches in Normandy to push the Germans out of France.  It was a dramatic landing, with many dying heroically, and depicted in several highly popular movies with famous actors in them, including The Longest Day and Saving Private Ryan. While not a full-blown holiday, it was...

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2nd Amendment

5/29/2022, on Fox News, Mo Brooks explains to the nation that the Second Amendment was intended to protect the citizenry from a tyrannical government. Course it wasn’t, but then Mo, being Mo, believes that it was. Mo, no doubt believes in ‘The Lost Cause’, too; and, until it became too obnoxious to say out loud, that the South would rise again. Mo, was one of the founders of the Freedom Caucus. Mo explained to the Fox host that, “The Second...

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