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Tag Archives: Journalism

Mind the Policy Gaps

Aug 22, 2022 ROBERT SKIDELSKY The widening gaps in policy formation nowadays reflect the division of labor and increasing specialization that has taken us from the sixteenth-century ideal of the Renaissance man. And today’s biggest policymaking gap has grown so large that it threatens global catastrophe. LONDON – Just as the insistent demand for more “transparency” is a sure sign of increasing opacity, the current clamor for “joined-up thinking” indicates that the need for it far...

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SCOTUS Strikes Again and Not in the Way You Think

The Good Note this one on your calendar, the court gets it correct. Just when you think SCOTUS will raise its ugly right-wing head again, it decides differently. I can’t tell you what the votes were for and against. This is an unsigned decision. Mabe the one who ratted on the SCOTUS-Alito’s anti-abortion decision will give us a hint? Haven’t heard much from Ginni Thomas as of late. “Supreme Court issues rare emergency order favoring voters...

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Are Supporters of Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine Suffering from A Neo-McCarthyism?

Are Supporters of Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine Suffering from A Neo-McCarthyism? Recently I have seen claims made on some blogs that those who support the invasion of Ukraine by Russia under orders of its president, V.V. Putin, are experiencing suppression and discrimination that resembles the McCarthyism of the late 1940s and early 1950s in the US. This is also supposedly applying not only to those who fully support the invasion, but also to those...

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Small Township Library’s Millage Denied by Voters

In case you missed hearing about it. Jamestown township is located in the mostly Republican Ottawa County, Michigan. The township has refused to pass a new millage for its library. Like Ottawa County, Jamestown Township is Republican, just not as solid. Ottawa County has not voted for a Democrat for president since 1864. Instead of Lincoln, Ottawa County chose McClellan. The township population of ~9,900 is a large part Republican. In a...

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“Letter to an American,” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

This is a 100% copy and paste as taken from Steve Schmidt’s Substack “The Warning. “Friday reflections: ‘Letter to an American'” ( I thought you might enjoy a good read. Certain versions I have access to which I am allowed to share. ~~~~~~~~ I read this letter for the first time in the museum behind Utah Beach. Sometimes it helps to see the present by looking back.  Americans should have extraordinary gratitude for the...

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Reverse Logic?

This showed up on Facebook. Some guy by the name of Daniel Becker posted it as a commentary there. It is actually pretty good. A type of reverse logic. There is probably a name for this writing style, It eludes me right now. Enjoy on a Saturday . . . yes? It is simple, no hard thinking. No Martin Heidegger’s alethetical idea of truth to be determined here. “The Shovel’s view on the Donald Trump FBI raid” | The Shovel We are certainly no fans...

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Medicare Drug price control in the Inflation Reduction Act Moves Forward Except for Insulin

JAMA Network “How Do Commercial Insurance Plans Fare Under Proposed Prescription Drug Price Regulation?” Rena M. Conti, Richard G. Frank, Len M. Nichols December 2021, this article came out detailing Medicare negotiating directly with pharmaceutical companies and the impact of the negotiation on people insured by commercial plans. That is if commercial insurance plans were included in the price reductions given to Medicare. We are going to see how...

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What Was in My In-Box

Both Dan and I put this assortment of articles from various sites showing up in our In-Box. Rearranged the articles according to subject. Hopefully, you find something of interest. Democracy “How to confront the growing threat to American democracy,” Tom Nichols – Niskanen Center, In September 1787, an onlooker is said to have asked Benjamin Franklin what kind of government he and the other delegates to the Constitutional Convention in...

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Veterans Returning to Homelessness

“Veterans Returning to Homelessness” – Public Health Post, Ann Elizabeth Montgomery | Dorota Szymkowiak | Jack Tsai | Thomas O’Toole Homelessness still occurring is depressing for me as a Vietnam era veteran. It is also not just veterans. I had my own issues taking a couple of years to resolve and I am still not one to be crossed. After fifty years, one might believe it should be gone by now. But then, I had enlisted in another service to a wife...

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Boris Johnson’s Fall – and Ours

Jul 19, 2022 ROBERT SKIDELSKY Although words like “unprincipled,” “amoral,” and “serial liar” seem to describe the outgoing British prime minister accurately, they accurately describe more successful political leaders as well. To explain Johnson’s fall, we need to consider two factors specific to our times. LONDON – Nearly all political careers end in failure, but Boris Johnson is the first British prime minister to be toppled for scandalous behavior. That should worry us. The...

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