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Tag Archives: Karl Marx

Conor Lynch — Bernie Sanders, the socialist revival and the unexpected upsurge of millennial Marxism

Though the 75-year old senator played an essential role in demystifying socialism to the public and instilling a radical spirit in the progressive movement, the current resurgence of class politics on the left has been in the works for many years, going back to the 2007-08 financial crisis. It hasn’t been white-haired socialists who have provided the foundation for this resurgence, but young people who grew up in the era of neoliberalism. This was evident last week, when progressive...

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How Eleanor Marx understood her Father’s Wage Determination Theory

From Eleanor Marx Aveling’s essay “The Woman Question” (1886): “They forget that by capitalist employers this very sex-helplessness of woman is only taken into account with the view of lowering the general rate of wages. Again, there is no more a natural calling of woman than there is a natural law of capitalistic production, or a natural limit to the amount of the labourer’s product that goes to him for means of subsistence. That in the first case, woman’s calling is supposed to be only the...

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Karl Marx the Conspiracy Theorist

Yes, he really was. Let’s just list some examples below.First, take the most well known one: Marx’s conspiracy theories about Lord Palmerston.Around 1854 Marx was befriended by David Urquhart (1805–1877), a British aristocrat and vitriolic anti-Russian conspiracy-theorist, who thought Lord Palmerston was a secret Russian agent (Wheen 2001: 189). Marx, who also hated Tsarist Russia, was converted to this conspiracy theory by 1853 to 1854, and, even though he met Urquhart early in 1854 and...

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