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Tag Archives: Labor Markets

Workers Benefiting From Increased Markups In Selected Industries

Figure 1: Variation in Switch Points with the Markup in the Iron Industry1.0 Introduction I finally use the tools of pattern analysis that I have been inventing to tell a practical story. I build on the example which I began in my previous post. Workers would be better off if an increase in wages led to greater employment, not less. A long-period change in relative markups among industries can result in firms in some industries obtaining a greater rate of profits at the expense of firms...

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A Pattern For The Reverse Substitution Of Labor

Figure 1: Variation of Switch Points with Time1.0 Introduction This post presents another local pattern of co-dimension one. I have conjectured that only four types of local patterns of co-dimension one exist (a reswitching pattern, a three-technique pattern, a pattern across the wage axis, and a pattern over the axis for the rate of profits). In this conjecture, I meant to implicitly limit the rate of profits at which switch points occur to be non-negative and not exceeding the maximum...

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A Switch Point Disappearing Over The Wage Axis

Figure 1: Bifurcation Diagram1.0 Introduction In a series of posts, I have been exploring structural economic dynamics. Innovation reduces coefficients of production. Such reductions can vary the number and sequence of switch points on the wage frontier. I call such a variation a bifurcation. And I think such bifurcations, at least if only one coefficient decreases, fall into a small number of normal forms. One possibility is that a decrease in a coefficient of production results in a...

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A Switch Point on the Wage Axis

Figure 1: Bifurcation Diagram1.0 Introduction I have been exploring the variation in the number and "perversity" of switch points in a model of prices of production. I conjecture that generic changes in the number of switch points with variations in model parameters can be classified into a few types of bifurcations. (This conjecture needs a more precise statement.) This post fills a lacuna in this conjecture. I give an example of a case that I have not previously illustrated. 2.0...

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