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Tag Archives: Merrill Goozner

It’s still the prices, stupid

What’s Medicare’s secret sauce for controlling costs? The agency sets provider prices. It’s still the prices, stupid, GoozNews, Merrill Goozner, Sept. 7, 2023 AB: What is fun is my being able to talk to these guys and exchange thoughts. Then I bring them to Angry Bear. Kind of under the weather yesterday and today. Got the chills and a headache. The Times’ Upshot columnists weighed in on Labor Day on a subject I’ve written about extensively...

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Martin Shkreli’s legacy

Good commentary by Merrill Goozner. I subscribe to his site. He, I and other have gotten together and talked. I did ask the Lown Institute if I can publish their top ten examples of profiteering and dysfunction in health care. This group make my spidery senses tingle. Rather ask than get a reprimand. Got that one time and I knew who did it. It backfired on them and they were dropped by their host. Good writer and I was posting their commentaries...

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Slowing Growth in seniors opting for insurer-run Medicare Advantage plans

When I start to get comments and questions from some of the more expert authorities on healthcare such as Merrill Gooz, Andrew Sprung, Steve Early (Suzanne Gordon), and Kip Sullivan; I start to feel pretty good about some of my commentaries or comments. This last go around on Gooz News in the comments section, we were talking about “Fee For Service” Medicare and “Medicare Advantage” plans. The one issue I am experiencing is a 67% increase in the...

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You can move the people to a better environment, or you can move the polluting facilities

I had read the JAMA Network version of this report although I could not get into the Full Text version. You can find a more open version by using a New in Private Window. Cliff notes . . . the polluting company paid for moving the people. In which, the health of the people, the children improved. The options are move the company or move the people. The findings from articles? “Children whose families participated in a program that helped them move...

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Wall Street, venture capital drive high drug prices

And undermine public health in the process I ran across Merrill at the Washington Monthly writing about Healthcare. This particular article is on the mark in terms of what is occurring in pharmaceutical healthcare today. Kip, Merrill, and I are all hitting similar notes with regard to healthcare and other issues impacting it. Some such as Kip and Merrill more so on the details than I. The costs and prices of Pharma are overstated by the industry....

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Private Equity and Hospital Acquisitions

This is another extension of what happens when private equity gets involved in business. Hospitals are more important as it has an impact on the neighborhoods around them. If one dies, the local neighborhood is stranded. Good article on just that topic. Private Equity and Its Hospitals, Washington Monthly, Merrill Goozner “Safety net hospitals” serve communities like those in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Finance companies serve themselves....

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