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Tag Archives: Michigan

Michigan awards GM $1bn in incentives for new electric cars

Michigan has always been in the hunt for new model manufacturing in Michigan. This one pitched by Michigan to GM is nothing new. Just another state buying a company by funding its stay. I can find my records on this, Michigan owes $billions to corporate Michigan. This all started with Governor Engler. Companies are used to it, so now they expect to get it. Read on . . . Automakers’ history of taking fat subsidies and overpromising job growth make...

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No Longer Right to Work

We were living in Michigan when Engler and the Republican Legislature passed Right to Work Laws. The effort was meant to undercut Unions and saving costs for the Big Three automakers. Supposedly cars would be lower in costs to with the reductions reflected in prices to consumers. Never happened. Michigan reversed Right to Work Laws just recently. Michigan becomes 1st state in decades to repeal ‘right-to-work’ law, PBS NewsHour, Paula Gardner...

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Gen Z is Leaving Michigan in Droves

Michigan has always had its ups and downs. Pretty much this was the resuly of automotive being a core business within the state. Michigan economy would go which ever was automotive and the economy would go. Another core industry would help in Michigan. Michigan now find itself as the only state from which more Gen Z people departed than arrived during 2022, according to the latest U.S. Census Bureau data analysis by the Seattle-based real estate...

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Michigan’s Land and Water Contamination

Having lived in Michigan for twenty-seven plus years, we became aware of PFAS in the surrounding water and land towards the later part of the time period. Much of it was due to the closure or abandonment of businesses in and around the area. Some of the lakes nearby were impacted by land runoff from these sites. Warnings were posted about not eating the fish caught from these lakes. Fortunately, our well was not impacted by it. Michigan is number...

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Handicapped Man Dies from Lack of Heathcare

“About 90 minutes before the Michigan Supreme Court ruled Monday the cuts in payments to healthcare givers of badly injured motorists don’t apply to those injured before June 2019, one of those survivors died in a Farmington Hills hospital following a two-year struggle to maintain his quality of life and health. Sixty-four year old Brian Woodward spent the past 24 months of his life being shuffled between three nursing facilities and 22 hospital...

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Handicapped Man Dies from Lack of Heathcare

“About 90 minutes before the Michigan Supreme Court ruled Monday the cuts in payments to healthcare givers of badly injured motorists don’t apply to those injured before June 2019, one of those survivors died in a Farmington Hills hospital following a two-year struggle to maintain his quality of life and health. Sixty-four year old Brian Woodward spent the past 24 months of his life being shuffled between three nursing facilities and 22 hospital...

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‘Where You Belong’ or Where Freedom Rings

I am not sure I would belong in this particular hell created by a newly elected Ottawa, Michigan County Board. The title (above [in case you forgot where it is]) change (left to right) embraces the newly elected leadership thoughts on how to run a county. The county can be found on the southwest side of Michigan. It includes the cities of Holland where the Tulip Festival is held and Grand Haven. Pretty area, my wife and I would grab lunch on the...

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Covid Contraction in Michigan is Increasing

Georgia beat up Michigan Football and Coach Jim Harbaugh badly this last weekend. It was not even close. Michiganders take their football seriously, more seriously than contracting Covid. Hospitalization for Covid increased dramatically in Michigan. According to the CDC, it is the delta strain impacting the unvaccinated Michiganders. The Republican dominated Senate and House shut down the Governor and Michigan Health Director’s ability to restrict...

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‘When crazy comes a knocking at the door, slam it shut’

Gov. Chris Sununu (R-NH) responds to Senator Ron Johnson’s telling people to gargle with mouthwash to kill Covid. Mr. Johnson: “Standard gargle, mouthwash, has been proven to kill the coronavirus (according to an audio recording of his remarks). If you get it, you may reduce viral replication. Why not try all these things?” Why not? It builds false hope of a simple cure when there is none and a hope for preventing Covid which gargling does not...

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Michigan Republicans Are Quietly Replacing Officials Who Certified 2020 Vote Totals

This action by the Michigan Republican part does not surprise me in the least. Republicans have had control of the Senate since 1983 and the House (from what I can see) since 1990. They have had a trifecta (including the governor’s office) 2 of 4 times for a number of years also. Much of this has occurred because of gerrymandering state house and senate and federal congressional districts. In 2020 the anybody but trump or biden vote did not apply...

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