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Tag Archives: MMT

The paradigm is shifting – and MMT and the Green New Deal have to be understood in that context — Richard Murphy

Richard Murphy addresses specific issues raised questioning MMT. "Paradigms" are overarching conceptual models of systems that create a framework in terms of which competing theories can be generated in response to issues, especially emergent ones at the frontier of knowledge. The paradigm that has been in force with respect to policy issues since the rise of the Chicago School and the replacement of John Maynard Keynes with Milton Friedman has been neoliberalism, the basis of which is...

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How social democratic parties erect the plank and then walk it–Part 2 — Bill Mitchell

In Part I, I considered an Australian-based attack on MMT from a Labour Party stooge. In this Part, I shift to Britain to address the recent article by a Northern Labour MP – Jonathan Reynolds – who is apparently, if his arrogance is to be believed, the Labour Party spokesperson on matters economic. For the title of his recent article (June 4, 2019) was – Why Labour doesn’t support Modern Monetary Theory – which begs the question as to who actually doesn’t support MMT – all of Labour?...

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Fixing Out-Of-Control Banking Systems? — Brian Romanchuk

This is just a short post-script to some points in the James Meadway article I discussed yesterday. What is to be done about financial sectors that are out-of-control, and endangering economic stability?... I would add one important thing that MMT contirubtes to this debate that Brian doesn't mention here. Warren Mosler has pounded on the need to regulate banks' asset side rather than their liability side as is current practice.Brian does mention that MMT economists have criticized current...

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Comments on Meadway’s Criticisms of MMT— Brian Romanchuk

James Meadway recently published "Against MMT" (Modern Monetary Theory), in which he lays out a number of criticisms of the theory. Although it might have helped my readership numbers, I really did not want to get drawn into the mudslinging around MMT that erupted this January. One of the public relations problems MMT faces is that it seems that MMTists are in continued arguments with seemingly everyone. The negative tone of these arguments distract from the constructive aspects of the...

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Randy Wray — JAPAN DOES MMT?

In recent days the international policy-making elite has tried to distance itself from MMT, often going to hysterical extremes to dismiss the approach as crazy. No one does this better than the Japanese. As MMT began to gather momentum, its developers began to receive a flood of calls from reporters around the world enquiring whether Japan serves as the premier example of a country that follows MMT policy recommendations. My answer is always the same: No. Japan is the perfect case to...

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Richard Murphy — For MMT (long and wonkish)

Contra Ian Stewart and James Meadway.Aside: If this is considered wonkish in the UK, the country has a problem.Tax Research UKFor MMT (long and wonkish) Richard Murphy | Professor of Practice in International Political Economy at City University, London; Director of Tax Research UK; non-executive director of Cambridge Econometrics, and a member of the Progressive Economy Forum

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L. Randall Wray In recent days the international policy-making elite has tried to distance itself from MMT, often going to hysterical extremes to dismiss the approach as crazy. No one does this better than the Japanese. As MMT began to gather momentum, its developers began to receive a flood of calls from reporters around the world enquiring whether Japan serves as the premier example of a country that follows MMT policy recommendations. My answer is always the same: No. Japan is the...

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Bill Mitchell — We are all entrepreneurs now marching towards a precarious and impoverished future

Some years ago, I was a panel speaker at an event in Sydney covering the topic of wage developments. I shared the podium with a young woman who was something like NSW Youth of the Year. It was at a time that employer groups were lobbying the conservative government to abandon penalty rates for workers in low-wage industries (hospitality, tourism, etc) and strip powers from trade unions. I spoke about how that agenda was designed to advance their class interests and fitted squarely with the...

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Dirk Ehnts — Modern monetary theory: a simple macroeconomic model

Why has modern monetary theory come out of the academy? Because it helps model the current economic predicament and how to get out of it. "Anything we can actually do we can afford. Once done, it is there."John Maynard Keynes (1942) Excellent post by MMT's representative in Germany.It's a bit wonkish (graphs and variables) but it is addressed to a higher level audience than a popular venue and the math is kept simple. Probably not any more wonkish than the posts that Paul Krugman labels as...

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