Although somewhat critical of its reductive elements, Foucault found certain attractive features in the ideal or programmatic form imagined by American neoliberalism, namely, that it envisages a kind of regulation outside sovereign, disciplinary, and biopolitical forms, that it regulates without the fabrication of subjectivities and in a manner that optimizes difference and tolerates minority groups and practices. Second, from a policy perspective, Foucault showed a certain...
Read More »Universalism vs tribalism
It’s now an article of faith that universalism, like other Enlightenment ideas, is a sham that was invented to disguise Eurocentric views that supported colonialism. When I first heard such claims some fifteen years ago, I thought they were so flimsy they’d soon disappear. For the claims are not simply ungrounded: they turn Enlightenment upside down. Enlightenment thinkers invented the critique of Eurocentrism and were the first to attack colonialism, on the basis of...
Read More »Wokeism and the commodified academic industry
Wokeism and the commodified academic industry .[embedded content]
Read More »The problem with identity politics and wokeism
The problem with identity politics and wokeism .[embedded content]
Read More »Postcolonial theory in perspective
Postcolonial theory in perspective Many of the theoretical assumptions which support the most admirable impulses of the woke come from the intellectual movement they most despise. The best tenets of woke, such as the insistence on viewing the world from more than one geographical perspective, come straight from the Enlightenment. Contemporary rejections of this period usually go hand in hand with not much knowledge of it. But you can’t hope to make progress...
Read More »Postmodernism & Pedophilia
[embedded content] Jean-Paul Sartre, Roland Barthes, Simone de Beauvoir, Gilles et Fanny Deleuze … Jack Lang … André Glucksmann, et bien d’autres encore; tous font partie des 69 intellectuels français qui, aux côtés de l’écrivain Gabriel Matzneff … ont signé une tribune publiée le 26 janvier 1977. D’abord dans Le Monde puis dans Libération pour défendre trois hommes incarcérés depuis plus de trois ans pour avoir abusé sexuellement de mineurs de moins de 15 ans. ‘Trois...
Read More »Sverige — ett Eldorado för finansiella lobbyorganisationer
Få lobbyorganisationer i landet är mäktigare än Svenska Bankföreningen, som satt i system att rekrytera ex-politiker till vd-posten. Denna organisation och dess inhyrda lakejer har systematiskt motarbetat alla försök till ökade krav på branschen, inte sällan med hjälp av domedagsscenarier där Sverige påstås regrediera till bronsåldern om inte samhället värnar storbankernas lönsamhet. Det är en pr-kampanj som rönt lysande framgångar. Sedan millennieskiftet har de sammanlagda...
Read More »Girig-Sverige — eller när kommer kraschen?
Girig-Sverige — eller när kommer kraschen? Ekonomijournalistgruppen har en hel del tydliga devota och inställsamma inslag, där många, kanske de flesta, med tiden har valt att gå ”all in” och blivit PR-konsulter eller pressansvariga på något företag. Andreas Cervenka är ett lysande undantag och hans ”Girig-Sverige” är ekonomijournalistik när den är som bäst, kritisk, upplysande och underhållande … Sverige har numera enligt Cervenkas lista 541...
Read More »Postmodern obscurantism
Among the soft obscurantists some aim at truth, but do not respect the norms for arriving at truth, such as focusing on causality, acting as devil’s advocate, and generating falsifiable hypotheses. Others do not aim at truth, and often scorn the very idea that there is such a thing. By assumption, these non-respecters of truth cannot be reached by argument, only by ridicule … Let me mention who they are, by discipline and by name. Disciplines include deconstructionism,...
Read More »Woke racism
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