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Tag Archives: Politics & Society

Good reasons to worry about inequalities

Good reasons to worry about inequalities Focussing upon inequality statistics … misses an important point. What matters is not just the level of income inequality, but how that inequality arose. A free market society in which high incomes arise from the free choices of consenting adults – as in Robert Nozick’s Wilt Chamberlain parable – might have the same Gini coefficient as a crony capitalist society. But they are two different things. A good reason to be...

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Thorbjörn Fälldin — en gigant har gått ur tiden

Thorbjörn Fälldin — en gigant har gått ur tiden Thorbjörn Fälldin, Sveriges tidigare statsminister och ledare för Centerpartiet, dog i sitt hem i Ramvik, på lördagskvällen, 90 år gammal. Under Thorbjörn Fälldins och föregångaren Gunnar Hedlunds tid representerade Centerpartiet fortfarande en genuin politisk kraft i vårt samhälle. Efter Fälldin vände Centerpartiet blad och så småningom fick vi Maud Olofsson. Med Olofsson såldes partiets själ ut och partiets...

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Racial bias in police shooting

Racial bias in police shooting Roland Fryer, an economics professor at Harvard University, recently published a working paper at NBER on the topic of racial bias in police use of force and police shootings. The paper gained substantial media attention – a write-up of it became the top viewed article on the New York Times website. The most notable part of the study was its finding that there was no evidence of racial bias in police shootings, which Fryer...

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Per Svensson — ännu en av dessa antidemokratiska demokrater

Inför brexit-omröstningen var det få kommentatorer som ondgjorde sig över att man i Storbritannien valt att låta medborgarna i en folkomröstning tala om huruvida man ville stanna kvar i EU eller ej. För de flesta framstod detta lika självklart som att Sverige för lite mer än tio år sedan folkomröstade om vi ville vara med i EMU eller ej. Men när väl det — för de flesta — överraskande resultatet av brexit-omröstningen stod klart blev det andra tongångar. När ‘folket’ inte valde...

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Why Brexit voters ignored the ‘experts’

By the time British citizens went to the polls on June 23 to decide on their country’s continued membership in the European Union, there had been no shortage of advice in favor of remaining. Foreign leaders and moral authorities had voiced unambiguous concern about the consequences of an exit, and economists had overwhelmingly warned that leaving the EU would entail significant economic costs. Yet the warnings were ignored. A pre-referendum YouGov opinion poll tells why:...

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Brexit shows the need for a reformed economics

Brexit shows the need for a reformed economics Brexit is about much more than frustration about the E.U. and immigration. It is about a shortage of decent and secure jobs; an impossibly precarious labour market; inexplicable inequalities in incomes and wealth; closed access to affordable education, and a terrible deficiency of affordable housing; and it is about British Chancellor of the Exchequer Osborne’s single-minded austerity economics and the...

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What Brexit was all about

What Brexit was all about      Societies where we allow the inequality of incomes and wealth to increase without bounds, sooner or later implode. In a market economy it is money that counts. In a democracy it is your vote that counts. If you’ve got money, you vote in. If you haven’t got money, you vote out.

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