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Tag Archives: Politics & Society

Bad equality

An emancipated society would be no unitary state, but the realization of the generality in the reconciliation of differences. A politics which took this seriously should therefore not propagate even the idea of the abstract equality of human beings .They should rather point to the bad equality of today, the identity of film interests with weapons interests, and think of the better condition as the one in which one could be different without fear. If one attested to blacks,...

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Brandenburger Tor (personal)

London ist eine Partnerstadt von Berlin. In Gedenken an die Opfer des Terroranschlags von London ist das Brandenburger Tor in Berlin deshalb in den britischen Nationalfarben angestrahlt worden. Wir stehen zusammen gegen den Terror. Solidarität besiegt den Terror. div{float:left;margin-right:10px;} div.wpmrec2x div.u > div:nth-child(3n){margin-right:0px;} ]]> Advertisements

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[embedded content] This one is for all you, brothers and sisters, fighting oppression, struggling to survive, and risking your lives on your long walk to freedom. May God be with you. Advertisements

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Problem kring hedersvåld och hedersförtryck har diskuterats länge. Det uppmärksammade mordet på Fadime Sahindal för femton år sedan blev något av ett startskott. Dessvärre är det lite som tyder på att de ansträngningar som gjorts haft någon påtaglig effekt. Istället förvärras problemet. I en rapport 2014 som togs fram av Carin Götblad, för närvarande chef för Polisregion Mitt, bedömdes omkring 100 000 svenska ungdomar upp till 25 år leva med “hedersrelaterade begränsningar”....

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Rule of law

Till Fadime Sahindal, född 2 april 1975 i Turkiet, mördad 21 januari 2002 i Sverige Det är nu mer än femton år sedan som Fadime Sahindal bestialiskt mördades av anhöriga för att hon själv ville välja hur hon skulle leva sitt liv. Den typen av hedersrelaterat våld har ibland försvarats med — djupt förfelade — kulturrelativistiska resonemang där kulturella skillnader setts som en i något avseende förmildrande omständighet. Men — i Sverige har kvinnor och män samma värde. Och...

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Why reading newspapers makes you stupid

Why reading newspapers makes you stupid Lydon: You say newspapers make us stupid, and I’m not quite clear why. Taleb: Because they always give you an explanation to events so that you have the feeling that you know what’s going on. They tell you the stock market went down, because of fear of a recession, and that’s false causation with uncertainty there. They check their facts, but you can’t check their causes. So, you have the feeling of over-causation...

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Alternative facts — the latest Newspeak invention

Alternative facts — the latest Newspeak invention The US is today run by a president that thinks he can get away with never ending lies by simply calling them ” alternative facts.” That’s of course nothing but Orwellian Newspeak — and George Orwell himself described the dangers of this postmodern mumbo jumbo truth-relativism already seventy-five years ago: I know it is the fashion to say that most of recorded history is lies anyway. I am willing to believe...

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Neoliberalism — a threat to democracy

Neoliberalism — a threat to democracy  [embedded content] Perhaps the most dangerous impact of neoliberalism is not the economic crises it has caused, but the political crisis. As the domain of the state is reduced, our ability to change the course of our lives through voting also contracts. Instead, neoliberal theory asserts, people can exercise choice through spending. But some have more to spend than others: in the great consumer or shareholder...

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