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Tag Archives: Postmodernism

Chomsky versus the Regressive Left

I tire of people trying to paint Chomsky as the father of the regressive left.Yes, some elements of this thinking have influenced it and flowed into it (e.g., an often unbalanced and one-sided critique of US foreign policy). And, yes, you can make serious and sometimes very serious criticisms of Chomsky too.But I also tire of regressive leftists trying to invoke Chomsky as if he is one of their own. This is blatantly untrue.If you look seriously at Chomsky’s thought and beliefs, there is a...

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Self-Refuting Nonsense

Imagine a man with whom you were having a conversation who got up and said this: “There is no such thing as spoken human communication or spoken human language.” The very act of asserting that statement while others listen and understand its content utterly refutes what is being asserted: empirically, it is blatantly self-refuting.Now consider the core belief of Postmodernism: Proposition (1): there is no such thing as objective truth. This is self-refuting nonsense as well.If one...

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The Consequences of Postmodernist Truth Relativism

One of the core beliefs of Postmodernism is this: Proposition (1): there is no such thing as objective truth; all “truths” are culturally relative. If one believes that there are no objective truths, then it follows that nothing you can say is objectively true, not even the statement that “there are no objective truths.” What sort of statement, then, is Proposition (1) if it is not objectively true? Is it rhetorical hot air? Is it akin to fictitious statements in poetry or novels? If not,...

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The Poststructuralists as Frustrated Marxists-Communists

What is wrong with the Left today? In my view, a big problem is the ideology called Postmodernism.Chomsky in the video below gives us some fascinating insights into the origins of French Poststructuralism – and also into its modern offshoot Postmodernism.Remember he is talking about the origin of French Poststructuralism in the early 1970s.[embedded content]Chomsky understood the origins of Poststructuralism very well: many of the big French Poststructuralists – like Roland Barthes...

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Quantum Weirdness and Nonsense

The strange world of quantum mechanics seems to have a natural appeal to irrational and foolish people like Postmodernists and others who deny objective empirical truth or the laws of thought.In arguments with such people when you defend the reality of real objective empirical truths, you will frequently find such people immediately appealing to various weird phenomena in quantum mechanics to defend themselves. “Doesn’t quantum mechanics prove that there is no objective truth?,” they might...

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