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Tag Archives: Russiagate

Putting Trumpgate and Russiagate to bed – links

Deep state plot outed.Consortium News The Scary Void Inside Russia-gate Stephen F. Cohen The Foundering Russia-gate ‘Scandal’ Robert Parry Protecting the Shaky Russia-gate Narrative Robert Parry Russia-gate’s Litany of Corrections Robert Parry Sucking Liberals into a New Cold War William Blum Russia-gate’s Reach into Journalism Dennis J. Bernstein Sic Semper TyrannisFake News, Sedition and Public Apathy Your Trump Dossier Cheat Sheet Publius TacitusIrrussianalityThe latest...

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Stockman: Why the Deep State Is at War With Trump

David Stockman is a lot better at analyzing politics than economics. He presents the case against Russiagate and shows how it is based on the politicization of intelligence and fake news reverberating in the media echo chamber. It is joining Paul Craig Roberts and Pat Buchanan as an establishment "turncoat." "the Deep State has turned its own crimes during and after the 2016 election into nothing less than a coup d'etat against American democracy" Russia InsiderStockman: Why the Deep State...

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Tom Winter — A glimpse behind the scenes at Fort Russ

Now that Vice News has been citing us, referring, for instance, to a “website promoted by the Kremlin-linked accounts called Fort Russ” it may be a good time to pull back the curtain for a glimpse behind the scenes at Fort Russ.First, of course, simply click “about” at the top of the FR home site. But I can only confess for one. Me.We are all of us polyglots. In my case, following the news in six languages, thanks to the internet, I have long known that the US press was feeding the country...

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Paul Robinson — Collusion

The investigation into suspected collusion between US President Donald Trump and the Russian government has claimed its first three victims: one (Paul Manafort) for completely unconnected money laundering charges, and two (George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn) for lying to investigators about things which were not themselves criminal, and which are therefore crimes which would never have happened had there never been an investigation. To date, the evidence of direct collusion between Trump...

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Robin Andersen — Backlash Against Russian ‘Fake News’ Is Shutting Down Debate for Real

Three important takeaways here.1. There is no evidence that RT or Sputnik pushed fake news. They featured accurate news reports that the US establishment didn't like and hosts and guests that contested the US establishment message.2. The US tech industry and Google in particular have enormous control over the US information system and they use it the interest of the US establishment.3. The US intelligence apparatus revealed its high degree of politicization and involvement in domestic...

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Leon Hadar — The Real Winner in America’s Russia Crisis Is China

Calling BS on the US political establishment and deep state. The US political establishment and the US deep state are joined at the hip through the military-intelligence-corporate-governmental complex that is foundational to US corporate statism.The National InterestThe Real Winner in America's Russia Crisis Is ChinaLeon Hadar | senior analyst with Wikistrat, a geostrategic consulting firm

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Mike Whitney — Brennan and Clapper: Elder Statesmen or Serial Fabricators?

These investigations are taking place because powerful elites want to vilify an emerging geopolitical rival (Russia) and prevent Trump from normalizing relations with Moscow, not because there is any evidence of criminal wrongdoing. As the Intel analysts themselves acknowledge, there is no proof of criminal wrongdoing or any other wrongdoing for that matter. What there is, is a political agenda to discredit Trump and demonize Russia. That’s the fuel that is driving the present campaign....

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Alexander Mercouris — Here’s the real scandal of the 2016 US election which should be investigated; it’s not Russiagate

What the evidence points to is – as Jared Kushner has admitted – a chaotic and disorganised Trump campaign, incapable of carrying out any sort of secret or illegal collusion not just with the Russians but with anyone, with unpaid and junior staffers like George Papadopoulos and Carter Page amateurishly attempting – in one case enthusiastically, in the second case calculatedly – to do foreign policy with Russia all by themselves, without receiving guidance or encouragement from the Trump...

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Ray McGovern — Mocking Trump Doesn’t Prove Russia’s Guilt

Good summary of the witch hunting to date. While he doesn't use the McGovern "soft coup" to characterize what is happening, he implies it. It's really about Trump rather than Russia. The US deep state has always had it in for Russia and won't rest until the US controls it, this is really aimed at neutralizing the president and continuing the effort to remove him from power. Perhaps you saw "news" reports last week calling William Binney, formerly the NSA's technical director for world...

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