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Tag Archives: Russiagate

Robert Parry — Guardians of the Magnitsky Myth

In pursuit of Russia-gate, the U.S. mainstream media embraces any attack on Russia and works to ensure that Americans don’t hear the other side of the story, as with the Magnitsky myth, reports Robert Parry.... This is to journalism as ignoring data, historicity, and operations is in economics.Consortium NewsGuardians of the Magnitsky Myth Robert Parry

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Sputnik — Twitter’s RT Ad Ban Violates First Amendment – Former Deputy Attorney Gener

Brian Becker and John Kiriakou of Sputnik Radio's Loud & Clear spoke to journalist and author Max Blumenthal and former Assistant Attorney General of the United States Bruce Fein, a constitutional lawyer, to discuss Twitter's announcement.... Sputnik InternationalTwitter’s RT Ad Ban Violates First Amendment - Former Deputy Attorney General

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Moon of Alabama — British Involvement In “Trump Dossier” Needs Further Investigation

Michael Sussmann, a lawyer from the same firm that hired Fusion GPS on order of Democrats, hired the Crowdstrike cyber-outlet to investigate the leak of DNC emails. Crowdstrike and the DNC denied the FBI access to the relevant servers but asserted that "Russian hacking" was the source of the leak.... The fake dossier, paid for by the Democrats, was used by the FBI under Obama to get FISA warrants to spy on Republican party operatives. We noted in January that the dossier was additionally...

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David Kravets — Proposed law would regulate online ads to hinder Russian election influenc

Honest Ads Act requires Google, Twitter, Facebook to open ads to public review. Ars TechnicaProposed law would regulate online ads to hinder Russian election influence David Kravets, senior editor for Ars Technica and founder of TYDN fake news site TheYellowDailyNews (TYDN) is satirical parody. Any rational relationship to reality is coincidental. Its publisher is David Kravets, the senior editor at Ars Technica.

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RT — NGO publishes names of 2,300+ RT guests, labels them ‘useful idiots who undermine Western democracy

Neo-McCarthyism flourishes. An NGO called the European Values Think-Tank has published a report on RT featuring an extensive list of US and European public figures who have been accused of “undermining western democracy” just by appearing in RT shows.The report, claiming to be an “overview of RT’s editorial strategy and evidence of impact,” comes with an Excel list of 2,327 people who have appeared on RT over the last four years. The names are carefully arranged in seven categories,...

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Mike Whitney — John Brennan’s Police State USA

John Brennan in the spotlight again. This is a deliberate mischaracterization of what Brennan was actually doing. He was spying on the members of the rival party to gain a political advantage. This is how police state operates. Whatever the facts, and there are very few reliable facts based on evidence on the table so far, it's clear that Russiagate is political. According to a recent CBS Poll, a majority of Americans (57%) now believe that “Russia tried to interfere in the 2016...

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RT — Top Russian senator expects US will exert ‘unprecedented pressure’ to influence Russian presidential polls

The other side of the story. The Chair of Russia’s Foreign Affairs Committee expects that the US will seek to influence the country’s presidential election next year, saying Washington will only settle for victory by a pro-Western candidate. “The United States recognizes elections as fair and democratic only when they are won by pro-western candidates,” Senator Konstantin Kosachev wrote on his Facebook page on Friday. “In the case of any other outcome, election procedures and results are...

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Reuters — U.S. envoy Haley: Russia interference in elections is ‘warfare’

Ratcheting up. “When a country can come interfere in another country’s elections that is warfare. It really is, because you’re making sure that the democracy shifts from what the people want,” she said. “This is their new weapon of choice and we have to get in front of it.” Either Haley is a moron, or the level of hypocrisy is incredible, or maybe some combination.Where has the US not interfered with elections, tried to influence them, or overturn their outcome or alt least tried to do,...

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Sarah K. Burris — Former CIA director says it’s ‘implausible’ that Russians didn’t meddle in our election without American help

John Brennan doubles down and insinuates that some connected with Trump colluded with "the Russians" in the "fake news" campaign that purportedly cost HRC the election, since "the Russians" would have need direction about targeting vulnerable states.Reaching for straws.Raw StoryFormer CIA director says it’s ‘implausible’ that Russians didn’t meddle in our election without American help Sarah K. Burris

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