I came across this article on Steve Hutkins’ “Save the Post Office.” There has been a political effort to redefine the USPS into more of a business model and something it was never meant to be. Right now, the USPS is beginning to reimage its model and existence as led by Postmaster Louis Dejoy. There is much wrong with this effort. Both Mark Jamison and Steve Hutkins have been defining the issues with Dejoy’s plan in their articles at Save the Post...
Read More »GAO: EV Infrastructure: USPS Plan for Potential Workplace Charging
GAO: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure: USPS Should Plan for Potential Workplace Charging – Save the Post Office Introduction Part of the plan as referred to in Steve Hutkins’ “EVs and S&DCs: USPS says you can’t have one without the other” was to have EV charging capabilities at the local post offices which would be available to the Post Office, USPS workers and also the public. As provided by Congress, funding was targeted for all three...
Read More »EVs and S&DCs: USPS says you can’t have one without the other
EVs and S&DCs: USPS says you can’t have one without the other, Save the Post Office, Steve Hutkins The Postal Service is using the very popular plan to buy electric vehicles (EVs) to justify its very unpopular plan to relocate carriers to Sorting & Delivery Centers (S&DCs). In press releases, news articles, and presentations to business mailers, the two plans are being yoked together, as if you can’t have one without the other....
Read More »Public charging stations at Canada’s Post offices. Why can’t it happen here?
Steve Hutkins discussing EVs and the charging stations. This was one of the arguments leading up to the US Post Offices having EV postal delivery vehicles. If Canada can do it, why not the US. It is a bit more as the Canadian Postal workers unio are talking about the public using their charging stations, high spped internet, low fee financial services, and becoming community hubs. If done in Canada, why not the US? Canada’s postal workers want to...
Read More »The USPS Eagle spins S&DCs to Postal Employees
Traditional USPS supporter at Save the Post Office, Steve Hutkins presents the latest information about the reorganization of the USPS. We had let off where President Joe Biden has/had a chance to replace two commissioners whose terms were at an end. Everyone wants two new Commissioners, but Biden has not made a move yet on their replacement. ~~~~~~~~ “The USPS Eagle spins S&DCs to postal employees,” Save the Post Office, Steve Hutkins...
Read More »New USPS Plan, rather than reducing transportations costs, it will drive them up by requiring more routes
The USPS Eagle spins S&DCs to postal employees, Save the Post Office, Steve Hutkins The cover story of the new issue of the Postal Service’s Eagle Magazine is “Re-Thinking Local Delivery.” It’s all about the big, new, modern Sorting and Delivery Centers that will replace carrier operations at your local post office. The article has a graphic showing a delivery vehicle out on a route making stops at the ten benefits of the new network:...
Read More »What’s fair is fair: The PRC issues a final order on the “appropriate share” issue
What’s fair is fair: The PRC issues a final order on the “appropriate share” issue, Save the Post Office, Steve Hutkins Another one of the posts by Steve Hutkins about the USPS. The effort by commercial interests to get the USPS to increase pricing has been going on for years. At the bottom, I have attached a post by Mark Jamison (“When Titans Collide: UPS petitions the PRC to change USPS costing methodologies”) detailing the efforts of UPS to get...
Read More »Is Biden still considering appointing two new postal governors?
I have been negligent and have not followed up on Steve Hutkin’s “Save The Post Office” commentaries. There is a lot going on at the USPS. Appointing two new postal governors to the USPS board is an important issue. Important to the nation if it is ever going to wrestle the USPS away from Louis DeJoy and Corporate interests such as UPS, FedEx, etc. Is Biden still considering appointing two new postal governors? Save the Post Office, Steve...
Read More »Postal workers and allies to protest DeJoy’s Ten-Year Plan
“Postal workers and allies to protest DeJoy’s Ten-Year Plan at BOG meeting, Save the Post Office, Steve Hutkins I missed this announcement at Steve Hutkins “Save The Post Office” blog. Apparently a large number of US Post Office supporters went to the Governor’s meeting and expressed their opinion on Postmaster Louis DeJoy’s plan to centralize sorting away from the neighborhood post offices. In effect, this action places a much larger burden on...
Read More »Modeling the New USPS Delivery Network: List & Map
In an earlier post, Steve Hutkins introduced Louis DeJoy’s new plan centralizing post offices in various locations calling them Sorting and Delivery Centers. Many mail delivery personnel routes would increase in size and routes would be further away and larger. The result could lead to delayed delivery and a further degeneration of service. The result would also include the closing of many neighborhood post offices which existed since Roosevelt if...
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