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Sergio Cesaratto – Tra Marx e Keynes

Scuola di Politica di Sinistra Italiana - Settembre 2017 Considerazioni su EU e EMU a inizio intervento, e nella parte finale

Sergio Cesaratto considers the following as important:

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Scuola di Politica di Sinistra Italiana - Settembre 2017

Considerazioni su EU e EMU a inizio intervento, e nella parte finale
Sergio Cesaratto
Sergio Cesaratto (Rome, 1955) studied at Sapienza, where he graduated under the direction of Garegnani in 1981 and received his doctorate in 1988. He obtained a Master's degree in Manchester in 1986. He worked as a researcher at CNR where he was of Innovation Economics. In 1992 he became a researcher at La Sapienza, and then associate professor in Siena where he teaches Economic Policy and Development Economics.

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