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Time to go in and plunge

Russia won’t do anything. Fear is extreme. It’s time to go in and plunge. "What Gorbachev hear."

Mike Norman considers the following as important:

This could be interesting, too:

Michael Hudson writes Why the War in Ukraine is Meant to Drag On: Strategic Goals, European Discontent, and NATO’s Role

Mike Norman writes Modern Monetary Theory film proves finding the cash isn’t the problem — William Thomson

Bill Haskell writes Manufactured Evidence of Voter Fraud

NewDealdemocrat writes Manufacturing remains in contraction, with construction on the brink

Russia won’t do anything. Fear is extreme. It’s time to go in and plunge.

"What Gorbachev hear."
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.


  1. The word I heard is that Putin was coordinating with Xi in China; China would attack Taiwan simultaneously as Russia would be attacking Ukraine. The plan was to stretch the U.S. too thin to properly respond to any threat. For some reason, the plan fell through. I think that could explain Putin's reaction at this time. For what it's worth, this is just rumors.

  2. No way Ukraine fired shells into Russia. That is Russian propaganda. Ukraine is terrified of Russia and would not provoke them. Where are you getting that information? I agree that the US should not allow Ukraine into NATO. We would never accept Russia on our border. That was what the Cuban missile crisis was about.

  3. Steel is down over 30 percent. If it’s any indication of where inflation is going then it could be coming down sooner than what people think. Government gets out of the way and things normalize as these supply chains work themselves out. Which they will by third quarter.

    • These inflationary pressures are easing, especially as omicorn is almost certainly the end of the pandemic and begniing of the endemic. The inflation wihich will pesist for longer is rents and house prices, so don't expect inflation to fall to pre pandemic levels. Housing/infrastructure demand will keep some commodity prices elevated too. Oil is the tricky one, especially depending on how the Ukraine situation plays out.

  4. I just follow technicals now. It’s all there in the price movement. Just wait until we have some bullish reversals and hop on. It’s not hard

  5. What countries does America occupy? Mike: go live in Ukraine for six months.

  6. tomvorapot tomvorapot

    Hi Mike, from my take, it's going to be like the situation a couple of weeks back, when China and Taiwan were going at each other. A lot of commotion and this and that, but at the end it just a bunch of nothing hills.

    As suddenly, thing just disappeared out into the outer space (like what you like to say, or not say).

    The situation between Russia and Ukraine is the same. I feel it's going to be like that.

    On top of that which I don't like to say, but from my distance perspective, it's a two nations with failed or insignificant economies.

    Who cares what they will do, because at the end of the day it doesn't one bit to the global economy or global supply chain. Nor it will affect any global or cross border financial movements or labor.

    And on top of that, the geopolitics type of conflict is just not there either.

    So, I would not waste precious time, it doesn't matter one bit as I mentioned. it's just old school boys having a go at each other from the cultural or historical point of view, not even asking for attention or any thing.

    But I think this is the time when the US play its original role best which is global policing. That is why you see a big talk from Biden. He did that for Taiwan too.

    Any way, I'm not sure but this is my take. FYI, normally I only and rarely comment on economic issues, I didn't know I can do in politics too (smile).

  7. Hi Mike, what bombing of Russia? Im from Poland and we know Russia and Putin very well. He now prepares stories like ppl of Krimea, Donetsk are mass fleeting to Russia, ukrainians are bombing russian etc which all are of course a pre-story to attack. Why not invading yet like in Georgia etc quickly?? Because this time its different – he realises its his last call. Those action with Krimea, georgia, chechenia etc. were all warnings. Now he escalates forward seeing how West is historically weak. You preoare differently for full scale war and differently for blitzkrieg. Putin has all in his hands. If West starts to send troops he enters to "protect" Russia, if West does nothing like now he destabilizes, directs fake stories and rips Ukraine apart part by part and then enters as "saviour" of bigger and bigger mass of "russian" people that are ukrainians of course. Next would be other countries. Krimea Georgia were only tests to see how West responds and West responded poorly. He is ready to set new order in Europe its his last chance. Germany have the biggest blame here as they are first to secure energetic deal with Russia and not to give sanctions on him now – soft, soft and Europe-dividing plays. Why they dont understand is Putin only awaits such weakness. He waits for such weakness in Europe.

    • Setting his troops like that he literally won. He anticipated every move and I believe he won. Because of weakness of West. Because Americans not understanding why their country engages. We need this support do you understand? The whole world needs this american support. You americans completely dont see how leaving Europe alone on Putin's fate will hit you back directly. He only wants russia to master every other free (for now) European country, he wont step back. And now is the time, now as weak germans, weaker americans are not decided and in crisis. Thats why he builds and builds everything up Mike.

  8. keep it up mike, good stuff

  9. "Crisis and Bargaining Over Ukraine: A New US-Russia Security Order?"
    Streamed live on Jan 31, 2022

  10. Putin has every right to be pissed off… NATO needs to back off and honor their commitment

  11. Todays video should be titled “Rant”. Lol

  12. War is one thing for sure, but it's looking like climate change is going to be the most destabilising issue going forward, the climate data coming out now is downright horrifying. Economic growth and a healthy world economy, with the most urgent need to cut carbon emissions to near zero looks like a perfect storm on the horizon. be interesting to hear your take on this subject.

  13. Any shelling on Russia is from US special operations. Russia is not dumb enough to send a rocket into a kindergarten. Putin knows this and shame on MSM for pushing this false flag narrative. The Biden regime is desperately trying to start something because Biden is a complete idiot and they need a distraction. And Durham is hot on Hillary’s (and therefore the rest try of the maggots) trail.

  14. I gotta say, Mike is one of the most refreshing and insightful guys I follow on YT. NY straight talker with a big heart for people and no time for political bullshit. We could use a few guys like him up here in Canada.

  15. Russia is more dictatorial than the USSR was during its last years, uses the same weapons, language and still controls some of the so called free new states and maintains at least some of its old allies and interests and has the same enemies, except than now some of them are no longer under its control, while some still are.

  16. Have you not read the joint Russia/China declaration they released??? Of course, Putin was waiting until after the Olympics ended today (2/20/22), so as not to distract from China's hosting of the games.

  17. I think you are wrong. He is very careful because once war gets started, how does it unravel. He delayed recognizing the donbass areas, giving the minsk agreements a chance, the one created with German and France. you should listen to his speech this morning. Looks like Ukraine lost 2 more provinces today, they already lost crimea, Ukraine is getting smaller and smaller. Looks like he is playing it right, to get political support, and keep the pipelines open to Germany. He met the French and German politicians last week before doing this today.

  18. Mike we need a video today, please.

  19. Jorge Orpinel Pérez

    Hey Mike! Here's why you were incorrect: Russia has to react. They resisted for many years and tried to manage the Ukraine situation but this had to happen at some point.

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