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Russian invasion!

Putin recognizes breakaway republics as independent and sends the military to act as peacekeepers. Would peace be bad?

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Putin recognizes breakaway republics as independent and sends the military to act as peacekeepers. Would peace be bad?
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.


  1. The MSM wants a war so bad they can taste it. They need something for new ratings. Covid is declining. People are tired of it.

  2. I support Putins move. He is fighting for his people, unlike Biden who is against America.

  3. Expect 5 dollar gasoline in 6 months.

  4. It's frustrating. Earnings are good in most cases, fiscal flows are good, the hysteria over interest rates has calmed down for a couple of minutes, but this is wasting what could have been a good couple of months.

    • Getting some of these companies down to such extreme low valuations, that the big guys can come in and pick them up for pennies. Alot of these hard hit companies are actually making money they are not empty shell tech bubble co's. It is crazy to watch.

  5. Mike Norman is on the Kremlins payrolls

  6. A veteran has every right to be against war.

  7. Finance & Economics

    I like your insight into the situation.

  8. From Russia with love they give us peace and leadership

  9. BQG Mercados Electrónicos

    Is the same case as when the USA anexed Texas from México in the 19 Century…exactly the same

  10. Great MMT Report today Mike!

  11. Great work as always Mike! You're the best!

  12. I'm anti war as well & can't stand war mongering America, but declare regions of Ukraine independent & send it peacekeepers? You gotta be kidding me, this is an invasion.

  13. “Russian Peacekeeping” Mike. Really?

  14. American Exploring

    You lack understanding of Putin big time.

  15. 6:31 😂😂 Did you move into Stand-up comedy Mike?
    You see this as a "Peace Keeping force". He has been prepping for Peace for months now huh? He must really love Peace.
    Did Hitler also send a Peacekeeping Force into Poland? 😆

    • I honestly thought Mike was admitting he got it wrong till then. How anyone can swallow the Orwellian doublespeak like that I don't know.
      I'm no blind supporter of the US either, it's perfectly true Russia was treated badly with false promises to Gorbachev about Nato expansion, and it was never likely Putin thought he could take the whole of Ukraine and hold it, but by amassing troops on the border he created fear across the eastern front notmjust Ukraine, he must have known that this makes Nato expansion inevitable, or more generously thought it was inevitable anyway so is grabbing what he can now without creating an outright war.

    • When the Soviets had a base in Cuba, Kennedy almost blew the world to smitherines, because how dare a foreign power encroach on our western hemisphere! Post cold War country after country has been joining NATO and working its way to Russias doorstep.

      In 2008 NATO made its intentions clear that Georgia and Ukraine will join NATO. That's where the line gets drawn, and Russia publicly stated that that would destabilize Europe, and they won't sit back and let it happen. Putin was and still is pushed into a corner, he has no other reasonable course of action. He's willing to complete destabilize Ukraine before he let's it drift out of his orbit. And he is justified to do so, seeing as it was a western backed coup in Ukraine in 2014 that caused this whole mess in the first place.

      Just imagine what the US would do if China or Russia wanted to form an alliance with Canada or Mexico. If you put the shoe on the other foot you'll realize how absurd US involvement here is. Like with every other time the US has poked its nose in other countries affairs, western media will try to convince you that their involvement there is craved by the native population and necessary to save democracy! We can't keep falling for the these same lies over and over…

    • @schumanhuman Ukraine and Georgia are of vital strategic and national security importance for Russia. In 2008 at NATOs Bucharest summit, talks of them both joining prompted Russia to publicly state that would destabilize Europe and they won't sit back and let it happen.

      Look at map and count the amount of counties post cold war that have joined NATO. Russias response to this, while to outside viewers seems unhinged and overblown, is actually completely predictable and proportional.

      In no universe would the US allow any foreign power to establish and kind of military alliance with a country in the Western Hemisphere, but for some reason it's OK when we do it on Russias doorstep.

      How much leverage do you think Russia has on the world stage once their entire border is surrounded by NATO occupied or western friendly nations? They'd get pushed around and have to give in to every Western demand even if it wasn't in their best interest, because they'd have no power in the situation.

    • @D-Ray Predictable, quite possibly but vital? This all depends on the narrative that Russia needs to be in opposition to 'the west', despite massive failings there is zero threat that the west or Nato intends to make incursions into Russia itself. Russia already has vast amounts of oil and the means to grow its economy. Land grabs are not vital but a show of internal political and economic weakness.
      Putin is a symptom of the failed IMF reforms which led to a significant fall in standards of living. Putin's power lies in an anti west hard man narrative, and happily murdering any opposition even on foreign soil.
      There were moves for Russia to move towards a sane economy, see the 'Open letter to Michael Gorbachev 1990'
      Less well known is the tax assessor tasked with this job was due to be Ted Gwartney, and the young KGB agent assigned to assist him was none other than Vladimir Putin. With bitter irony this never happened and Russia descended into oligarchy and now added despotism under the very same Putin who had things played out differnetly might have been instrumental in helping grow the economy and creating stability.
      It is possible to dislike both sides but still understand 'peace keeping' forces is utter bullshit, and Putin is a ruthless scumbag.
      My guess is this will be more painful for Russia long term as it will accelerate the shift away from reliance on their oil, but Putin will remain safeloy in power claiming a nationalistic victory with the land grabs, an overblown troll rather than a sizeable threat.

    • mike is clueless on russia and putin ,doesn't know what hes talking about. putin is on a conquest. he doesnt care about peace.

  16. You're probably kidding? Do you read "alternative media" and believe every word …?
    Can you speak and read Russian language ? Did you have to be in that region in person?
    Have you been there, have you spoken to the people who live there?
    If not, please keep your geopolitics view to yourself..

  17. Spreading peace across the globe. One PeaceKeeping battalion at a time ☮️🕊️

  18. It seems that Putin is not scared after all! This was a wrong call.

  19. Oh, I know you! Remember when you laughed like a lunatic at Peter Schiff in 2006 for predicting the market crash? Good times.

  20. This is not a war to be won militarily. This war is to be won diplomatically. A bit like what golda meir PM of Isreal had to do was wait for the attack, to provide political capital for Israel to do what it wanted to do. So China's reaction is important in all this, the restraint also meant that the pipeline certification is only delayed. That is my takeaway, not surprised at all, but then I have family in the Ukraine so was more attentive of the situation there.

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