The government must spend first before it can sell any bonds. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics: Understanding the Daily Treasury Statement video course.
Mike Norman considers the following as important:
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The government must spend first before it can sell any bonds. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics: Understanding the Daily Treasury Statement video course.
Mike Norman considers the following as important:
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The government must spend first before it can sell any bonds. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics: Understanding the Daily Treasury Statement video course. |
here's something i been slowly getting into and its the surveillance/ police/ prison state and now more so after the pelosi hammer today. they have been pushin chaos for clamp downs for their power & control over us sIaves, they grift off our pain & misery i'll grift off theirs. also i got this tip "What you probably did not hear is the recent $105,000,000 investment from the World Economic Forum to Canada to implement digital passports on all of its citizens." regardless what i do or say this nonsense isn't going away. and i'm with those who resist this shit.
side note i do not and will not own a cell phone of any kind and i hope to live to see everyone smash theirs against a brick wall cuz they double as ankle bracelet monitors. to quote phil collins THIS IS THE WORLD WE LIVE I AND THESE ARE THE HANDS WE'RE GIVEN
Garnage in, garbage out. I don't trust their numbers, period.
How can the Govt spend first, when it requires the money, to purchase bonds?
@MrAnon1916 The Fed doesn't have any dollars or not have any dollars
It's not Money,it's fiat currency…..
Learn some MMT and it will become clear. This is macroeconomics so you have to see things in the aggregate. Remember the government owns the central bank, so you have to combine them. Money is created when Congress decides to spend.
@David Cann yes
@Mk 11 lol Fiat currently is money.
11:45 Mike, surely the $31T has just been removed from the circulating supply. What about the money that people hold, and in their banks – the real total untaxed dollars? What document shows the remaining amount, and what is the total?
Bank credit is being used to pay taxes visa vi reserves. The govt does add credit by spending into private accounts but if the government did not do that, what about bank credit? It accounts for 90% of base money.
@Robert From my understanding: private banks create "money" in an incredibly facetious way. If I get a loan for a house, the bank isn't creating dollar reserves, it is creating a right to use its dollar reserves. When that happens, an inflationary pressure is created in housing, but an equal and opposite deflationary pressure is created in all sectors that I would have spent money in if I didn't have to spend a portion of my income on loan repayment. Banks don't create real money, they create directives for real money. For every dollar of directive for money that it gives me to spend on what I want to spend it on (possibly within a stipulated agreement) I I have an opposite directive to spend a dollar, plus interest, back into the bank.
@Robert only if they don’t spend that money back in.
This is what bothers me about MMT.
It states “if you want to pay your tax….”
Shouldn’t that be “if the government wants to be able to tax….”?
@Sned Meister so what are you going to do, get a loan and then keep it? You still have $0 net worth.
You can’t do anything with money in this country without getting taxed.
@Robert They would tax, and spend it back again….
@Sned Meister oh I see what you mean. That wouldn’t happen if the government always ran a budget surplus or balanced budget.
If the debt clock was $0 or negative, we would not have positive net worth. This is not sustainable to maintain an economy.
If the government instead decides to deficit spend, we can have positive net worth and can sustain trade.
This is excellent Mike- thank you ..
This guy says a whole lot without saying a whole lot. Jesus Christ.
You gotta know how to listen.