Saturday , September 7 2024
Home / Cullen Roche: Pragmatic Capitalism / 3 Lessons From the Collapse of FTX (Video)

3 Lessons From the Collapse of FTX (Video)

In this video we discuss the collapse of FTX and the crypto markets and what we can learn from this bear market. This video includes: 1) Understanding volatilities relative to probable investment returns. 2) Learning to think in a first principles way. 3) Reducing or eliminating behavioral biases through systematic investment processes. I hope you enjoy it. [embedded content] Please follow and like us: About Post Author

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In this video we discuss the collapse of FTX and the crypto markets and what we can learn from this bear market.

3 Lessons From the Collapse of FTX (Video)

This video includes:

1) Understanding volatilities relative to probable investment returns.

2) Learning to think in a first principles way.

3) Reducing or eliminating behavioral biases through systematic investment processes.

I hope you enjoy it.

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3 Lessons From the Collapse of FTX (Video)
Cullen Roche
Former mail delivery boy turned multi-asset investment manager, author, Ironman & chicken farmer. Probably should have stayed with mail delivery....

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