Saturday , September 28 2024
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Three Different Posts on Healthcare

This morning starting at 7AM and 30 minutes apart. I ran across all two healthcare commentaries on MedPage and one on Florida Politics. No mistake on three healthcare posts posted in a row. Purposeful. Short commentaries. Good Reads. Discussion provoking.

Angry Bear considers the following as important: ,

This could be interesting, too:

Angry Bear writes The Role of Pharmacy Benefit Managers – Executive Summary

Angry Bear writes Congress Calls for Extension of Enhanced Premium Tax Credits

Angry Bear writes Exposure to Air Pollution May Increase Antibiotic Use for Respirator Symptoms

Joel Eissenberg writes Drugs that cost money and save money

This morning starting at 7AM and 30 minutes apart. I ran across all two healthcare commentaries on MedPage and one on Florida Politics. No mistake on three healthcare posts posted in a row. Purposeful. Short commentaries. Good Reads. Discussion provoking.

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