I’m back to playing with data, so there will probably be more posts coming soon. (Sorry.) Meanwhile, this one was irresistible. FRED® has a “Natural Rate of Unemployment” data series. Apparently, the evil of the United States is that—except for the second half of the Clinton Administration where it was worth people’s while—Americans Just Don’t Work Enough, Same graphic, excluding last month and with the monthly employment data averaged to match the Quarterly NAIRU. [embedded content]
Ken Houghton considers the following as important: US/Global Economics
This could be interesting, too:
Bill Haskell writes From the Middle Out and Bottom Up
Bill Haskell writes US-China Decoupling
Ken Melvin writes Public vs Private Wealth – Breaking Free
NewDealdemocrat writes New Deal democrats Weekly Indicators for December 9-13
I’m back to playing with data, so there will probably be more posts coming soon. (Sorry.)
Meanwhile, this one was irresistible. FRED® has a “Natural Rate of Unemployment” data series. Apparently, the evil of the United States is that—except for the second half of the Clinton Administration where it was worth people’s while—Americans Just Don’t Work Enough,
Same graphic, excluding last month and with the monthly employment data averaged to match the Quarterly NAIRU.