Tyler Cowen points us to YouChat, a new AI chatbot, that as far as I can see after studying this carefully for 15 seconds is supposed to be more up to date than the OpenAI bot and integrated with a search engine which naturally makes it the next new thing and presumably worth billions of dollars to potential investors. In the interest of being scrupulously fair, I decided to give YouChat a chance to answer the same question that OpenAI fumbled badly, viz., If a three dimensional polygon has nine sides and nine vertices, how many edges does it have? How do you know? Here is the reply: A three-dimensional polygon with nine sides and nine vertices is called a nonagon [1]. A nonagon has 12 edges [1]. The number of edges in a polygon can be
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Tyler Cowen points us to YouChat, a new AI chatbot, that as far as I can see after studying this carefully for 15 seconds is supposed to be more up to date than the OpenAI bot and integrated with a search engine which naturally makes it the next new thing and presumably worth billions of dollars to potential investors.
In the interest of being scrupulously fair, I decided to give YouChat a chance to answer the same question that OpenAI fumbled badly, viz.,
If a three dimensional polygon has nine sides and nine vertices, how many edges does it have? How do you know?
Here is the reply:
A three-dimensional polygon with nine sides and nine vertices is called a nonagon [1]. A nonagon has 12 edges [1]. The number of edges in a polygon can be determined using the formula E = V + F – 2 [1], where E is the number of edges, V is the number of vertices, and F is the number of faces. In the case of a nonagon, V = 9 and F = 9 [1], so the formula gives E = 9 + 9 – 2 = 12.
Hmmm . . . seems familiar . . . oh wait . . . this is a mish-mash of the answers given by the OpenAI chatbot that I posted here yesterday. The footnotes are all to yesterday’s post. It somehow picked out the right formula, but it also picked out one of the wrong answers even though the right answer was clearly presented in my post. So YouChat is up to date, give it that, but it has no judgment and cannot do basic arithmetic.
Verdict: more A than I. A search engine that just gave you a link would be more useful. Any human reading my post would be able to identify the right answer.