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Home / The Angry Bear / An A1 Price Fixing Dream. You Know It’s There. But You Can’t Prove It.

An A1 Price Fixing Dream. You Know It’s There. But You Can’t Prove It.

I spent some time today adding to this piece in the hope of making it clear in explanation. What is occurring is many entities are using software which compares its pricing to what the market will bear. No one knows the others adding their data. However, the end result is what is being charged is particular markets for similar products. So, companies adjust their pricing. We’re Entering an AI Dystopia, by Rogé Karma The Atlantic If you rent your home, there’s a good chance your landlord uses RealPage to set your monthly payment. The company describes itself as merely helping landlords set the most profitable price. However a series of lawsuits claim the use of Real Page results in price-fixing due to A1. Price-fixing usually

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I spent some time today adding to this piece in the hope of making it clear in explanation. What is occurring is many entities are using software which compares its pricing to what the market will bear. No one knows the others adding their data. However, the end result is what is being charged is particular markets for similar products. So, companies adjust their pricing.

We’re Entering an AI Dystopia,

by Rogé Karma

If you rent your home, there’s a good chance your landlord uses RealPage to set your monthly payment. The company describes itself as merely helping landlords set the most profitable price. However a series of lawsuits claim the use of Real Page results in price-fixing due to A1.

Price-fixing usually involves rival companies gathering behind closed doors and secretly agreeing to charge the same inflated price for whatever they’re selling. Collusion to fix pricing is one of the gravest sins or crimes one can commit in a free-market economy. In fact, Justice Antonin Scalia once called price-fixing the “supreme evil” of antitrust law. Even so price fixing is punishable with up to 10 years in prison and a $100 million fine. That does not sound so serious a penalty. With a good lawyer, it could be beat.

RealPage technology offers a workaround. Execs do not have to get together with rivals or others and agree not to compete on prices. They can rely on a third party to set your prices for you independently of others. Property owners feed RealPage’s “property management software” their data, including unit prices and vacancy rates, and the algorithm. RealPage knows what competitors are charging and it spits out a rent recommendation. If enough landlords use it, the result could look the same as a traditional price-fixing cartel: lockstep price increases instead of price competition. No secret handshake or clandestine meeting is needed.

Without price competition, businesses lose their incentive to innovate and lower costs, and consumers get stuck with high prices and no alternatives. The Algorithmic price-fixing model appears to be spreading to more and more industries. And existing laws may not be equipped to stop it.

“Is it okay for a guy named Bob to collect confidential price strategy information from all the participants in a market and then tell everybody how they should price? If it isn’t okay for a guy named Bob to do it, then it probably isn’t okay for an algorithm to do it either.”

The many lawsuits against RealPage differ in their details, but all make the same central argument:

According to the lawsuits, RealPage’s clients act more like collaborators than competitors. Landlords hand over highly confidential information to RealPage, and many of them recruit their rivals to use the service.

“Those kinds of behaviors raise a big red flag,”

Maurice Stucke, a law professor at the University of Tennessee and a former antitrust attorney at the Department of Justice, told me. When companies are operating in a highly competitive market, he said, they typically go to great lengths to protect any sensitive information that could give their rivals an edge.

The lawsuits also argue RealPage pressures landlords to comply with its pricing suggestions, something making no sense if the company were merely being paid to offer individualized advice. In an interview with ProPublica, Jeffrey Roper (who helped develop one of RealPage’s main software tools) acknowledged that one of the greatest threats to a landlord’s profits is when nearby properties set prices too low. He said . . . .

“If you have idiots undervaluing, it costs the whole system. RealPage thus makes it hard for customers to override its recommendations, according to the lawsuits, allegedly even requiring a written justification and explicit approval from RealPage staff. Former employees have said a failure to comply with the company’s recommendations could result in clients being kicked off the service.

Lee Hepner, an antitrust lawyer at the American Economic Liberties Project an anti-monopoly organization, told me.

“This, to me, is the biggest giveaway. Enforced compliance is the hallmark feature of any cartel.”

To win such a case like this, the challenge is this:

Under existing antitrust law, showing that companies A and B used algorithm C to raise prices isn’t enough; you need to show that there was some kind of agreement between companies A and B, and you need to allege some specific factual basis the agreement existed before you can formally request evidence of it.

This dynamic can place plaintiffs in a catch-22: Plausibly alleging the existence of a price-fixing agreement is hard to do without access to evidence like private emails, internal documents, or the algorithm itself. But they typically can’t uncover those kinds of materials until they are given the legal power to request evidence in discovery.

“It’s like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole,” Richard Powers, a former deputy assistant attorney general in the DOJ antitrust division, told me. “It makes the job really hard.”

None of the situations Stucke and Ezrachi describe involve an explicit agreement, making them almost impossible to prosecute under existing antitrust laws. Price-fixing, in other words, has entered the algorithmic age. The laws designed to prevent it have not kept up. Powers said he believes existing antitrust laws cover algorithmic collusion—but he worried that he might be wrong. “That’s the thing that kept me up at night.” During His tenure at the Department of Justice. “The worry that all 100-plus years of case law on price-fixing could be circumvented by technology.”

Whether other jurisdictions follow suit remains to be seen. In the meantime, more and more companies are figuring out ways to use algorithms to set prices. If these really do enable de facto price-fixing, and manage to escape legal scrutiny, the result could be a kind of pricing dystopia in which competition to create better products and lower prices would be replaced by coordination to keep prices high and profits flowing. That would mean permanently higher costs for consumers. An inflation nightmare that never ends. More profound, it would undermine the incentives that keep economies growing and living standards rising.

The basic premise of free-market capitalism is that prices are set through open competition, not by a central planner. That includes algorithmic central planners too.

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