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Vaccination works

Other than among Jehovah’s Witnesses, vaccination rightly gained widespread trust and acceptance in America. Innoculation against smallpox was around for hundreds of years before Jenner described the eponymous vaccine. Polio was a scourge in the US through the 1950s until it was virtually eliminated by vaccination. Many deadly diseases like whooping cough and measles were all but elimated in my lifetime through vaccination.Now, thanks to rank politicization, COVID vaccination rates are way down and measles vaccination rates are falling. While I respect personal freedom, your freedom ends where my nose (and life) begins. Viruses don’t respect politics, and measles is one of the most contagious viral pathogens:“Measles is one of the most contagious

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Other than among Jehovah’s Witnesses, vaccination rightly gained widespread trust and acceptance in America. Innoculation against smallpox was around for hundreds of years before Jenner described the eponymous vaccine. Polio was a scourge in the US through the 1950s until it was virtually eliminated by vaccination. Many deadly diseases like whooping cough and measles were all but elimated in my lifetime through vaccination.

Now, thanks to rank politicization, COVID vaccination rates are way down and measles vaccination rates are falling. While I respect personal freedom, your freedom ends where my nose (and life) begins. Viruses don’t respect politics, and measles is one of the most contagious viral pathogens:

“Measles is one of the most contagious viruses known. It spreads via respiratory and airborne transmission. The virus can linger in air space for up to two hours after an infected person has been in an area. People who are not vaccinated or have compromised immune systems are susceptible, and up to 90 percent of susceptible people exposed to the virus will become infected. Measles symptoms typically begin around eight to 14 days after exposure, but the disease can incubate for up to 21 days. The symptoms begin as a high fever, runny nose, red and watery eyes, and a cough before the telltale rash develops. Infected people can be contagious from four days before the rash develops through four days after the rash appears, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About 1 in 5 unvaccinated people with measles are hospitalized, the CDC adds, while 1 in 20 infected children develop pneumonia and up to 3 in 1,000 children die of the infection.”

Americans have the right to be protected from deadly and preventable diseases. If you and your kids aren’t vaccinated, you need to submit to voluntary quarantine. Other vulnerable people (children, the elderly, the immunsuppressed) don’t surrender their personal safety just because you do. In the third decade of the 21st century, in the wealthiest nation in the world, the fact that there are people who (a) refuse vaccination and (b) insist on their right to expose others is selfish, unpatriotic and appalling.

11% of Florida kids are unvaccinated

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