Today Tyler Cowen posted this: Remember the proposals for a $15 federal minimum wage? Employment would be reduced by 1.4 million workers, or 0.9 percent, according to CBO’s average estimate… That is from the new CBO report. Here is a bit more context: In an average week in 2025, the year when the minimum wage would reach $15 per hour, 17 million workers whose wages would otherwise be below $15 per hour would be directly affected, and...
Read More »Open thread Feb. 9, 2021
Tags: open thread
Read More »Open thread Feb. 9, 2021
Tags: open thread
Read More »Pushing Back For Democracy Around The World
Pushing Back For Democracy Around The World Given the massive impetus the presidency of Donald Trump gave to authoritarian and anti-democratic forces around the world, it is worth seeing that his defeat in a democratic election, despite his efforts to illegally overturn it, seems to have been followed by some outbursts of pro-democratic demonstrations in parts of the world, even as we saw a major setback for democracy in Myanmar with the military...
Read More »Pushing Back For Democracy Around The World
Pushing Back For Democracy Around The World Given the massive impetus the presidency of Donald Trump gave to authoritarian and anti-democratic forces around the world, it is worth seeing that his defeat in a democratic election, despite his efforts to illegally overturn it, seems to have been followed by some outbursts of pro-democratic demonstrations in parts of the world, even as we saw a major setback for democracy in Myanmar with the military...
Read More »Run-up to the Impeachment Trial February 9th
Boston College History Professor Heather Cox Richardson continues her dialogue “Letters from an American” with coverage of events leading up to the Senate trial of a former president and the passage of a much needed economic rescue of the nation’s citizens caught up in an epidemic. “Historians are fond of saying that the past doesn’t repeat itself; it rhymes. To understand the present, we have to understand how we got here.” The news today...
Read More »Run-up to the Impeachment Trial February 9th
Boston College History Professor Heather Cox Richardson continues her dialogue “Letters from an American” with coverage of events leading up to the Senate trial of a former president and the passage of a much needed economic rescue of the nation’s citizens caught up in an epidemic. “Historians are fond of saying that the past doesn’t repeat itself; it rhymes. To understand the present, we have to understand how we got here.” The news today...
Read More »Summers and Ricardo
Kevin Quinn at Econospeak has an interesting conversation on how the Biden proposed stimulus will play out. “Summers and Ricardo”
Read More »Summers and Ricardo
Kevin Quinn at Econospeak has an interesting conversation on how the Biden proposed stimulus will play out. “Summers and Ricardo”
Read More »Tyler Cowen does political romance on minimum wages and covid relief
James Buchanan, one of the most influential free-market conservatives of the past half century, chastised liberals (progressives) for being romantic about politics. His work on Public Choice Theory urged us to look at “politics without romance”. Buchanan was right. Being overly romantic about politics can lead to serious error, but this error is by no means limited to liberals. Case in point: Tyler Cowen has recently been criticizing...
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