Via the Guardian comes this note from well funded groups: Conservative campaign aims to strike ‘mortal blow’ on government unions ‘A once-in-a-lifetime chance to reverse the failed policies of the American left’
Read More »“We Made Certain they knew that”
“I was always very candid with my patients. They want to know that you are working for them, not someone else. We made certain they knew that.” Tom Price, MD – Secretary of HHS Republicans, the Trump administration, led by Graham and Cassidy are moving forward to defund and cripple the ACA bringing millions of people back to when states decided who could have a smidgen of healthcare and who could not. This comment by Dr. and Secretary of Health Tom...
Read More »Justice Denied
From the Daily Mirror: None of the 400 citizens returning here after fighting for Islamic State in Syria and Iraq have been charged with war crimes. Yet the Council of Europe’s legal affairs committee recently ruled membership of the terror group, also known as Daesh, is enough for prosecution at the Hague’s International Criminal Court. Labour Shadow Minister Liam Byrne, representing Britain, backed the decision. He said: “We know British citizens were...
Read More »Carbon Gridlock Redux in Washington State
byPeter Dorman (originally published at Econospeak) Carbon Gridlock Redux in Washington State A year ago—it already seems like another era—an initiative to set up a carbon tax in Washington State, I-732, was defeated by the voters. The proposal was to use the money for tax reductions in accordance with the standard economic view that taxing “bads” rather than goods generates a double dividend. I disagree with that (I think the deadweight loss case...
Read More »Hurricane workarounds for industrial production and housing
Hurricane workarounds for industrial production and housing Hurricane Harvey has already affected some of the August data releases. Irma has already started to affect some weekly releases, and will undoubtedly affect the September monthly releases. I have already begun to adjust for the hurricanes in the case of initial jobless claims. But what of the monthly data? While there is nothing so timely and precise as backing out affected states from the...
Read More »Social justice activism in your own backyards?
by Peter Dorman (originally published at Econospeak) Another Year of Equity at Evergreen The following email was forwarded to me and many other Evergreen faculty: On [date deleted], students, staff and faculty of The Evergreen State College will hold a Re-Convocation Rally on Red Square to express and affirm their commitment to goals of equity, inclusion and success for all in pursuit of higher education. The rally is organized by Staff and Faculty...
Read More »Open thread Sept. 19, 2017
Obamacare Could Die
Obamacare Could Die We are at this very odd moment now. We thought ACA was saved by a narrow vote some months ago, when John McCain joined Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski to block the last version of Trumpcare. Whew! No need to worry about millions of people having their health insurance taken away! Time to start pushing for single payer, Medicare for all, hah hah! But, ooops! So here we are with only 12 days to go before the window in which the US...
Read More »Does Single Payer Pay for Itself?
by ProGrowthLiberal (originally published at Econospeak) Does Single Payer Pay for Itself? Was this the message of the title of the latest from Dean Baker: The economies of a single system can be viewed as analogous to the Social Security system, which has administrative costs that are less than 1/20th as much as privatized systems in places like Chile and the United Kingdom. The analogous institution in the health-care sector is of course Medicare, which...
Read More »Supply and Demand in California
I came across the following graph: (Click to embiggen) Both the supply curve for labor in the state of California and the demand curve for housing in California are made up of the states residents. In general, if you increase the supply of something, all else being equal you bring down its price. On the other hand, if you increase the demand for something, all else being equal you increase its price. The graph above suggests that in California, two...
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