Jon Chait has a brilliantly ruthless takedown of the absurd defences of the AHCA (house obamacare replacement) and BCRA (Senate version) . His main point is that Republicans are lying claimiing the huge cuts to Medicaid aren’t cuts to Medicaid and that the huge increase in the number of uninsured will actually be zero. He also criticizes Avik Roy. This quarrel has become very interesting. Roy praised the BRCA. He refused to answer when Chait asked if he...
Read More »BCRA CBO Score
WASHINGTON (AP) — Congressional Budget Office sees 22 million more uninsured by 2026 under Senate health bill. Toher Spiro appears to be snipping and tweeting the key bits of the CBO report Premiums for a 64-year old with middle income go from $6,800 under ACA to $20,500 under BCRA Deductibles for plans eligible for tax credits go from $3,600 under ACA to $6,000 under BCRA death spiral open thread.
Read More »Gay Pride Around the World
We begin in the US: …the Dyke March Collective also ejected three people carrying Jewish Pride flags (a rainbow flag with a Star of David in the center). According to one of those individuals—A Wider Bridge Midwest Manager Laurel Grauer—she and her friends were approached a number of times in the park because they were holding the flag. “It was a flag from my congregation which celebrates my queer, Jewish identity which I have done for over a decade marching...
Read More »Welfare Reform Kills ?
This is an update of this post in which I expressed immense confidence that welfare reform killed people in Florida . The post is based on Muennig P1, Rosen Z, Wilde ET. (2013) “Welfare programs that target workforce participation may negatively affect mortality.” Abstract During the 1990s reforms to the US welfare system introduced new time limits on people’s eligibility to receive public assistance. These limits...
Read More »Did Conway Con Herself
This is remarkable even for the Trump administration. Kellyanne Conway claimed that the Medicaid slashing BCRA proposed by the gang of 13 doesn’t include “cuts to Medicaid”. The Trump administration position appears to be that Trump could sign it in to law and keep his promise to protect Medicaid from cuts. Wow. I am not President of the USA, but this doesn’t seem to be good strategy to me. It makes it clearer than ever that Trump will throw...
Read More »“If There Is Any Such Thing”: Why read Hoxie on theory?
Unionists are not theorists; unionism is an eminently practical thing. — Robert F. Hoxie Theory and trade unionism are almost contradictory terms. — Edward M. Arnos In accordance with this theory it is held that there is a certain fixed amount of work to be done… David F. Schloss Paul Samuelson once wrote that it takes a theory to kill a theory. He didn’t say it had to be a better theory. What would it take to kill a theory that never was? The...
Read More »Saudi Succession Shuffle
Saudi Succession Shuffle A not unexpected event has just been announced: 31-year old Prince Muhammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Sa’ud has been elevated from Deputy Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia by his father, 81-year old King Salman bin Abdulaziz bin Abdul-Rahman al-Sa’ud, to replace his 57-year old cousin, Prince Muhammed bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz al-Sa’ud. The former Crown Prince is Minister of the Interior, a position he inherited from his father, the late...
Read More »Open thread June 23, 2017
McConnell’s AHCA Kabuki
he McConnell Obamacare repeal and replace “discussion draft” is worse than I imagined possible even taking into account that it would be worse than I imagined possible. I fear he made sure it was horrible so moderate Senators could win staged battles and claim they had saved people (needless to say I am not the first to write of this possibility). I guess a vox explainer is always useful and Sarah Kliff is very smart thorough and reliable. The bill is...
Read More »Hoxie on “Fixed Group Demand Theory” (the “lump of labor”)
From Robert F. Hoxie, Trade Unionism in the United States, 1917: There is much scorn of unionists by economists and employers because of this lump of labor theory with its corollaries. This scorn is based on the classical supply and demand theory and its variants. Supply is demand. Increased efficiency in production means an increase of social dividend and increased shares, which in turn increase production and saving. Therefore, the workers cut off their...
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