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Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Trots det lever jag utan förtvivlan

Trots det lever jag utan förtvivlan Om den värld jag tillhör har jag inte något hopp. Undergången är inbyggd i systemet, ty vart varningsrop blir strax förlöjligat och därmed oskadliggjort. Trots det lever jag utan förtvivlan. Det tillhör den enskildes villkor att leva vid katastrofens rand. Vägen fram till döden ter sig lika lång, var man än befinner sig i livet. Så är det också med mänsklighetens tillvaro. Jag uppfattar den vemodsfyllda blick varmed unga...

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Econometrics — the art of pulling a rabbit out of a hat

Econometrics — the art of pulling a rabbit out of a hat In econometrics one often gets the feeling that many of its practitioners think of it as a kind of automatic inferential machine: input data and out comes causal knowledge. This is — as Joan Robinson once had it — like pulling a rabbit from a hat. Great — but first you have to put the rabbit in the hat. And this is where assumptions come in to the picture. The assumption of imaginary ‘superpopulations’...

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Ekonomiprofessorerna och ‘tämjandet’ av marknadskrafterna i skolan

Ekonomiprofessorerna och ‘tämjandet’ av marknadskrafterna i skolan I Sverige år 2020 låter vi friskolekoncerner med många gånger undermålig verksamhet få plocka ut skyhöga vinster, vinster som den svenska staten låter dessa koncerner ta av vår skattefinansierade skolpeng. En av landets största friskolekoncerner — Engelska skolan — gjorde senaste året en vinst på 250 miljoner kronor (för varje elev genererades 10 000 kronor i vinst).  Många är med rätta...

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The Coase Theorem at 60

The Coase Theorem at 60 Steven Medema — who knows more about the theories of Ronald Coase than any other economist yours truly is familiar with — has written an incisive and learned article about the history of the Coase theorem —  The Coase Theorem at Sixty — in the latest issue of Journal of Economic Literature. Medema concludes : The Coase theorem is, by any number of measures, one of the most curious results in the history of economic ideas. Its...

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Why everything we know about modern economics is wrong

Why everything we know about modern economics is wrong The proposition is about as outlandish as it sounds: Everything we know about modern economics is wrong. And the man who says he can prove it doesn’t have a degree in economics. But Ole Peters is no ordinary crank. A physicist by training, his theory draws on research done in close collaboration with the late Nobel laureate Murray Gell-Mann, father of the quark … His beef is that all too often, economic...

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