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Home / Lars P. Syll (page 171)
Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Kriminalitet och forskning

Men kartläggning och analyser av detta slags släktbaserade nätverk som genom hot om våld och trakasserier ut­övar stor makt i invandrartäta förortsområden och genom detta allvarligt förhindrar integration lyser med sin frånvaro … I Sverige får man ha vilka värderingar man vill. Att omfatta och propagera för till exempel kommunistiska, islamistiska, kristna, reaktionära, feministiska, patriarkala och även totalitära värderingar ingår i de fri- och rättigheter som grundlagen...

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Friedman-Savage and Keynesian uncertainty

Friedman-Savage and Keynesian uncertainty An objection to the hypothesis just presented that is likely to be raised by many … is that it conflicts with the way human beings actually behave and choose. … Is it not patently unrealistic to suppose that individuals … base their decision on the size of the expected utility? While entirely natural and under- standable, this objection is not strictly relevant … The hypothesis asserts rather that, in making a...

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La folie identitaire et les statistiques ethniques

La folie identitaire et les statistiques ethniques En France, les données sur l’origine font désormais partie des outils usuels des études sur les discriminations. Mais elles restent peu exploitées, dans la crainte que la prise en compte de catégories ethno-raciales ne remette en cause l’universalisme républicain … Pourquoi est-il interdit, dans notre pays, de poser la question de l’origine et de la couleur de la peau dans des fichiers de gestion (fichiers...

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Skolval och segregation

Den sociala och etniska segregationen är ett högst konkret problem som märks i våra skolor och på de platser där barnen rör sig och möts – eller inte möts. Därför vill vi i denna rapport visa hur skolsegregationen ser ut på lokal nivå. Genom att studera samtliga 30 kommuner med 50–100 000 invånare vill vi illustrera det som är barnens men också lärares, rektorers och kommunala skolförvaltningars vardag runt om i Sverige: en kraftfull segregation … Av totalt 356...

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Michael Woodford on models

Michael Woodford on models But I do not believe that the route to sounder economic reasoning will involve an abandonment of economists’ penchant for reasoning with the use of models. Models allow the internal consistency of a proposed argument to be checked with greater precision; they allow more finely-grained differentiation among alternative hypotheses, and they allow longer and more subtle chains of reasoning to be deployed without both author and...

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On war and economics

On war and economics They soon found out how difficult the subject was, and felt justified in evading the problem by again directing their principles and systems only to physical matters and unilateral activity. As in the science concerning the preparations for war, they wanted to reach a set of sure and positive conclusions and for that reason considered only factors that could be mathematically calculated … It is only analytically that these attempts at...

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Does it — really — take a model to beat a model? No!

Does it — really — take a model to beat a model? No! Many economists respond to criticism by saying that ‘all models are wrong’ … But the observation that ‘all models are wrong’ requires qualification by the second part of George Box’s famous aphorism — ‘but some are useful’ … The relevant  criticism of models in macroeconomics and finance is not that they are ‘wrong’ but that they have not proved useful in macroeconomics and have proved misleading in...

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On ergodicity and epistemological vs. ontological uncertainty

On ergodicity and epistemological vs. ontological uncertainty A couple of years ago yours truly had a discussion on the real-world economics review blog with Paul Davidson on ergodicity and the differences between Knight and Keynes re uncertainty. It all started with me commenting on Davidson’s article Is economics a science? Should economics be rigorous? : LPS: Davidson’s article is a nice piece – but ergodicity is a difficult concept that many students of...

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