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Home / Lars P. Syll (page 211)
Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Economic growth and the size of the ‘private sector’

Economic growth and the size of the ‘private sector’ Economic growth has since long interested economists. Not least, the question of which factors are behind high growth rates has been in focus. The factors usually pointed at are mainly economic, social and political variables. In an interesting study from the University of  Helsinki, Tatu Westling expanded the potential causal variables to also include biological and sexual variables. In the report Male...

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On the non-neutrality of money

On the non-neutrality of money Paul Krugman has repeatedly over the years argued that we should continue to use neoclassical hobby horses like IS-LM and Aggregate Supply-Aggregate Demand models. Here’s one example: So why do AS-AD? … We do want, somewhere along the way, to get across the notion of the self-correcting economy, the notion that in the long run, we may all be dead, but that we also have a tendency to return to full employment via price...

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Chicago economics — a bit out of touch with the real world

Chicago economics — a bit out of touch with the real world Tom Sargent is a bit out of touch with the real world up there in his office … Certain people have a capacity for ignoring facts which are patenty obvious, but are counter to their view of the world; so they just ignore them … Sargent is a sort of tinkerer, playing an intellectual game. He looks at a puzzle to see if h ecan solve it in a particular way, exercising these fancy techniques. Alan...

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Assar Lindbeck

Assar Lindbeck skriver i DN (20200106) tillsammans med Mats Persson (L) att Sverige är illa rustat för fortsatt invandring. Få personer har haft ett så stort inflytande på den svenska samhällsutvecklingen under det senaste halvseklet som Lindbeck. Om Sverige är illa rustat ekonomiskt och politiskt beror det mycket på honom. Assar Lindbeck är en av de mest inflytelserika nationalekonomer Sverige haft. Under en epok, då nationalekonomer har betraktats som sanningsägande guruer...

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La discipline économique et le mirage de la ‘vraie science’

La discipline économique et le mirage de la ‘vraie science’ Le mirage de la « vraie science », dont la puissance fantasmatique est immense chez les économistes, met sur la voie d’une autre catégorie canguilhemienne, qui permet peut-être de donner sa qualification la plus précise à la situation épistémologique de l’économie : il s’agit de la catégorie « d’idéologie scientifique » … La catégorie d’idéologie scientifique est d’abord purement interne au...

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